Chapter 4: Planing for Tour

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Taylor's POV:
Today at 7:30 pm is the first concert of the '1989 World Tour'! Mackenzie and Travis will be there. Mackenzie has been attached to my side lately. I get up to get ready and hear silent singing from the music room. I quietly walk to the room to see Mackenzie sitting on the bench to the piano singing my song 'Clean'. I knock softly and she turns around with a scared look on her face. "Hey, you have an incredible voice." I say. "Thanks. I hope I didn't wake you." She says in a quiet voice. "No. You didn't wake me up. I just woke up to get ready for the flight to Sydney anyway." I say. "Okay. Will I be coming with you?" She asks in a quiet and shy voice. "Of course, sweetheart. I want you to come." I say. I walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder. "I love you so much, Mackenzie. You know that, right?" I say. "Yeah. I love you too, Taylor." She says. "I love you so much that I want you to be with me onstage, but, it's totally up to you. I understand that being onstage for the first time is nerve wracking." I say. "Really? I don't know what song to sing." She says. "Yes, really. Well, I was thinking maybe, Clean?" I say. "Um, I don't know. I'm sorry. I just don't know if I can sing Clean." She says. "No, sweetheart. I understand if Clean is hard for you to sing. You can sing a different one." I say. I see tears forming in her eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask. "Um, I was just thinking about my dad. He has been with me since I was a baby but, he had to go to war and he died. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him." She says. Now, she's full on crying. "Oh, sweetheart. C'mere. It's okay. I know it hurts. I know. Shh. I'm here." I say as I pull her into a hug and rub her back. After a few minutes of me staying silent as Mackenzie cried, she eventually calmed down. "What song did your dad use to sing to you?" I ask. "All of your songs." She says. "I've been a fan since I could understand the lyrics." She says. "The one he used to always sing was, 'Never Grow Up." She says. "Aww. That's so cute!" I say. "Can I sing it?" She asks. "Of course. To honor your dad?" I say. "Yeah. I think he will be happy." She says. "So do I." I say.

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