Chapter 6: How Is It Possible?

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Mackenzie's POV:
I wake up and I go downstairs to see Taylor sitting on the couch. "Hey, sweetheart. How'd you sleep?" Taylor asks. "Good." I say. We're just going to hang out and wait for Travis to get home from Kansas City. He was visiting his parents while me and Taylor were on the way back from the 1989 tour in Sydney. I'm in the music room, Taylor's getting ready and the doorbell buzzes. Taylor comes downstairs but I stop her midway. "I'll get it." I say. I go to the door and open it. "Are you Mackenzie?" The girl asks. "Yeah. Who are you?" I ask. "It's me. Maddie." She says. "Wait. Maddie as in Maddie my sister?!" I ask, completely shocked. "Yes, Mackenz, it's me." She says. I haven't heard her nickname for me since we were separated when both of our parents died. I immediately run into her arms and we hug for a little bit. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Taylor standing behind me with a smile on her face. "Maddie, this is Taylor. Taylor, this is my sister Maddie." I say. "Mackenz, I can't stay long but, I wanted to make sure that you were okay and that you were able to see me again." She says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well, I got adopted and I have to move." She says. "Where are you moving to?" I ask. "California." She says. I stay silent to process what Maddie just said. "Wow. We're going to be in our own separate ways again." I say. "Remember our saying?" She asks and I nod. "Sisters by chance, friends by choice." We both say. I smile but it's a sad smile. "Bye, Mackenz. I'll miss you." She says. "Bye, Mads. I'll miss you too." I say. As Maddie went back to the car, I closed the door. "You okay?" Taylor asks. "Kinda." I say. "I want her to have a family too but, I want her to be with me." I say. "I know, sweetheart. Letting go hurts, but, we eventually we remember the happy moments instead of the scary or sad." She says. "I lost her once and I don't want to lose her again." I say. "I know. Mackenzie, even though you're hurting, that doesn't mean that Maddie needs to be hurt too. I know you just found her again but, you'll see her again." She says. "Do you want to alone or do you want to be together?" She asks. "Can I be alone for a little while?" I ask. "Of course, sweetheart. Take all the time you need." She says. I go up to my room, close the door, flop on my bed and I'm start crying. I keep remembering our saying. Sister's by chance, friends by choice.'
Author's Note PLEASE READ: I'm ending the book here. I know you guys will be mad but I do have a new book that I'm currently writing the first chapter of. It's NOT a sequel but I hope you liked this book and will like the new one. I'm giving you guys the title of the new book so you can find it. It's called "Out Of The Woods: A Taylor Swift Adoption Story".

Thank you guys for reading!

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