Chapter 8 New Additions to the Family

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The Jackson family welcomed two new members: twin girls named Flora and Stormy. Flora, the goddess of spring, creativity, cherry blossoms, hope, and songs, brought an aura of renewal and joy to their home. Stormy, the goddess of autumn, nostalgia, memories, and autumn weather, added a sense of reflection and a touch of melancholy beauty.

Their arrival brought the family closer, each member finding new roles and responsibilities. Percy, Estella, and Culoares adored their new sisters, and the family dynamic flourished in their presence.

#### A Meeting with Voldemort

One evening, the Jackson family received an unexpected visitor. Voldemort himself requested a private meeting, and despite the tension in the air, they agreed.

Paul, Sally, Mirabel, Percy, Estella, and Culoares gathered in their living room. Voldemort's presence was imposing, but he approached them with a surprising calm.

"I have come not as an enemy, but as family," Voldemort began. "Dumbledore has corrupted the wizarding world with his twisted goals. He manipulates and deceives, hiding behind a façade of righteousness."

Paul and Sally exchanged glances, already aware of the deeper truths through the Fates and Hecate. They had long harbored distrust for Dumbledore due to a fake prophecy that had caused much grief.

"We know," Percy said, stepping forward. "We want to help you, but we must act as if we don't know the full extent."

Voldemort nodded. "Agreed. The Death Eaters are loyal, but they do not understand the true stakes as I do. We need to bring about fair laws and rid our world of Dumbledore's corruption."

The Jacksons and Voldemort discussed strategies, forming a fragile alliance rooted in a common cause. Despite their differences, they found common ground in their desire to see a better wizarding world.

After their serious discussions, they shared some quality time. Estella and Culoares, however, began to feel the effects of being apart. The room alternated between being too hot and too cold, reflecting the twins' divine influence over their respective domains.

"Why is this happening?" Snape, who was present, asked Mirabel.

"It's a mystery that can't be solved," Mirabel lied, knowing the true reason but choosing to keep it hidden.

#### The Sorting Ceremony

Time passed, and soon it was time for Culoares and Estella to attend Hogwarts. The Great Hall was filled with anticipation as the first years awaited their sorting.

Culoares stepped forward first, and as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head, the air around her grew uncomfortably hot. The teachers at the head table fanned themselves, trying to stay cool.

"Hmm, interesting," the Sorting Hat said. "Goddess of color, day, summer, paintings, and relaxation. You will thrive in... Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table cheered as Culoares joined them, the heat dissipating slightly but still noticeable.

Next, Estella approached the Sorting Hat. As it touched her head, the air around her turned frigid, causing the teachers to shiver and wrap their robes tighter.

"Ah, another unique one," the Sorting Hat mused. "Goddess of stars, night, winter, constellations, and wishes. You belong in... Slytherin!"

Estella joined her siblings at the Slytherin table, the temperature extremes balancing out but still causing discomfort for those nearby.

#### Perspectives

**Dumbledore's POV:**

Dumbledore watched the sorting with a furrowed brow. The Jacksons were clearly special, and their association with Slytherin concerned him. He had no idea of their alliance with Voldemort, but he sensed they were not typical students.

**McGonagall's POV:**

Professor McGonagall noted the unusual temperature changes and the Sorting Hat's hesitation with the Jackson twins. She made a mental note to keep an eye on them, suspecting there was more to their story.

**Snape's POV:**

Snape, more loyal to Voldemort and the Jacksons, understood the significance of the temperature fluctuations. He found Mirabel's explanation of a mystery that couldn't be solved to be clever cover. He was determined to protect the Jacksons and their secrets.

**Slytherin Table:**

Percy welcomed his younger sisters, sensing the unique energy they brought. The Slytherin students whispered among themselves, intrigued by the powerful new additions to their house.

#### Conclusion

As the school year began, the Jackson twins' presence at Hogwarts added a new layer of complexity. Their divine influences and the family's secret alliance with Voldemort set the stage for a year of intrigue and hidden agendas. The Jacksons were determined to navigate the challenges ahead, united in their purpose and strengthened by

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