sanzu fucks shit up

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Sanzu had been sent on another solo mission. He absolutely loved solo missions. It was his chance to prove how insane he really was. Plus he could play his own music.

Sanzu pulled up to a big seemingly abandoned factory but he knew it wasn't abandoned. There were footsteps in the mud that led straight to the front entrance and while he was driving there he saw multiple blacked out cars parked nearby. From his count, he estimated about 12 people inside but he was never one to get the numbers 100% correct.

"I'll be back." Sanzu whispered to his beloved car before stepping out of the driver's seat and harshly closing the door. Mikey had told him to be careful and to not alert anyone that he was there but if he had to then he could be violent. He planned on being as loud as possible.

Sanze felt like he was being watched during every step he took towards the front door but that didn't matter to him. As he reached the door he paused for a moment to fish something out of his pocket.

A sparkly pink iPod.

He pulled it out and started shuffling through his playlists until he found the perfect song. Without any care in the world he turned his volume all the way up and pressed play.

'Happy Fools' By TXT feat. Coi Leray

"What the fuck is that?" Sanzu heard someone say from just inside the door but before they had anytime to act he pulled out his gun and shot straight through the door. He heard a body fall fast to the ground.

"This is gonna be fun." He laughed with what someone might call a maniacal smile on his face. His pink hair waved behind him as he quickly moved to open the door and rush inside. Because of his pervious gun shot, about five men were rushing to the door from both sides of the long hallway. "Hello there, boys."

He gave the men about ten seconds of time to shoot before he pulled out a second gun and started firing down both hallways. All five men were dead within one minute and Sanzu came out unscathed.

Sanzu waltzed down one hallway without any care in the world. Any onlooker would assume that Sanzu thought he was invincible but in reality he really just didn't fear death. More men kept rushing at him and Sanzu never allowed them to get within five feet before he shot them with fatal wounds.

He worked his way up each floor, shooting everyone that was in sight. By this time, his favorite song had already played twice and it was going to keep playing until he was done.

The third floor was where it got tricky. It was a wide open room with almost nothing to hide behind. He slowed his pace slightly as he sensed that someone was hiding near him but he didn't know where.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." He sang with a tinge of excitement in his tone. Just mere seconds after he said that someone ran up from behind him and plunged a knife deep into his lower back. "Fuck you." Sanzu spoke as he pulled himself off the knife, spun around, and shot the enemy directly in the head.

Sanzu had his fair share of scars and this, to him, was just another for the collection. His body count from just this raid was at 19. He was really bad at estimating.

After searching each floor again Sanzu realized that he was the only person left alive in the building. And with that he picked up all the papers he needed to find, wrapped a torn shirt around his wound, and he headed back to his car. All while still smiling, of course.

been thinking about this for a while oops lol

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