coming out as nonbinary to takemichi

17 1 0

C/N: chosen name

You had been friends with Takemichi since you were about three years old. He had moved into your neighborhood and your parents immediately became close friends so of course you two did the same. Both of you were grown up now. Takemichi being 20 and you being 19. The two of you had moved into a two bedroom apartment together a few months back and everything had been going super well.

It was going well until you started to have a realization. Without being around your parents it led you to feel a greater sense of freedom and with that freedom came self reflection. You had known you were gay since a young age but coming out to your conservative parents was never an option. Growing up as a girl you always were the tomboy of the group. You hung out with girls but there was always some sort of disconnect. Now that you were on your own you had the time to research and reflect. You knew that you were nonbinary and you were finally ready to tell your best friend.

You were in your room while Takemichi was sat on the couch watching a movie. Little did he know that you had spent the past ten minutes trying to work up any courage that you had left in you to walk out there. Eventually though, the movie ended. You had thought you missed you opportunity until you heard a small knock on your door.

"Hey," Takemichi cleared his throat. "You okay in there?"

"Yeah." Your voice cracked which gave a small hint to Takemichi that you weren't actually okay.

"Can i come in?"

"Sure." You were definitely nervous to have him come into your messy room but you sat down on your bed in anticipation. Takemichi walked in slowly and closed the door behind himself.

"Is something wrong?" He joined you on the bed but left a pretty big distance between the two of you.

"No." You paused. "Well, kind of."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked kindly. Takemichi was never one to push anything on someone else but he could tell this was something you needed to get off of your chest. Somehow Takemichi always knew how you felt.

"Yeah. I just don't know how to say it i guess." The more you talked the harder your hands shook. Takemichi saw your hands trembling so he scooted closer to you on the bed and put his hands out. You followed his implied instructions and put your hands in his. "So, I've been trying to tell you this for a while but I haven't quite known how to say it."

"You know you can always say anything to me." Takemichi smiled his dorky full face smile.

"I'm nonbinary." Takemichi's eyes softened as he realized what you said. "And I would like if you could call me C/N and use they/them pronouns for me."

"Thank you for telling me! Of course I will call you by your chosen name and use your pronouns! I love you C/N and I always will support you." You could've cried from his words and you almost did. Your eyes filled with tears but you tried to not let them fall.

"Thank you." Your voice cracked with every syllable. Both of you sat in silence for a few minutes while you calmed yourself down and Takemichi watched.

"Can I ask you a question?" Takemichi's sudden question make you tense up.


"Does this mean I can punch you now?" Takemichi asked in the most serious tone he had ever used.

"Oh my god! That is all you wanted to ask?" You laughed as you wiped the tears from your eyes.

"Well yeah." He had no clue why you thought his question was so funny.

"Punch me and I'll beat your ass." You joked

not super proud of this one but it is kinda cute

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