pet shop shenanigans

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Chifuyu always tried to be very business focused but when you worked with two of your best friends it became very hard to stay on track. Naturally, with him being focused or not, things still went wrong. And damn. Things had definitely gone wrong today.

Currently the shop was closed as Chifuyu, Kazutora, and Baji were running around with nets trying to catch a squirrel that had somehow found its way into the store.

"Where'd it go?" Kazutora screamed. He normally was very calm and collected but with his unusual fear of squirrels, he was not doing well.

"I think it went towards the dog food." Baji mentioned, in a calmer tone than his friend. "Chifuyu, do you see it?"

"I can hear it skittering around but I can't fucking see it!" Chifuyu looked panicked but he was also secretly enjoying this. Watching how freaked out Kazutora is was giving him a little bit too much joy.

"FUCK!" Kazutora screamed as he jumped up onto a random shelf. "It's right there!!" Baji ran to were Kazutora was and started pulling bags off the shelves.

"Where was it?" Baji asked.

"Fuck uh,,,, on the ground I think or somewhere,,,i don't know just find it!" Kazutora was not handling this well and definitely was going to be any help in catching the squirrel.

"Kazutora, go to the back and get some bird food." Baji demanded.

"No fucking way! I am not touching the ground again while that thing is running around!"

"I'll go grab some." Chifuyu called as he ran towards the back. He opened the door to the back room and tried to close it quickly behind him before the squirrel could follow. He was unsuccessful. "Guys!"

"What?" Baji yelled.

"I think it's in here with me." Chifuyu nervously said as he didn't want to be too loud and scare the squirrel into moving. The back room was small. Probably five feet by six feet and full of boxes. There wasn't much space for Chifuyu to move.

"What do you mean you think? Do you think or do you know?" Kazutora was very hopeful that it was in fact in the back room so he could get off the shelf he was currently squished onto.

Various screams and panicked noises began to come from the backroom. Baji and Kazutora hurried towards the door but didn't dare open it.

"Are you okay?" Baji yelled. The room went silent.

"No." Chifuyu whimpered. "It got me. I'm a goner."

Baji, much to the detest of Kazutora, opened the door to the back room slightly. Boxes came tumbling towards the door which forced it fully open. Inside was Chifuyu laid under a few boxes and covered in various different animal foods. The back door which led outside was open and the squirrel seemed to be gone.

"What the hell happened in here?" Baji asked.

"You don't want to know." Chifuyu said in the most serious and deadpan voice. Kazutora immediately burst out laughing. He couldn't believe the absolute horror that was pasted on Chifuyu's face. Baji went to help Chifuyu out of his trapped state.

"You look so fucking funny!" Kazutora was gripping his stomach as he keeled over from laughter.

"Don't pretend like you weren't even more scared than me. I am traumatized!" Chifuyu screamed as he wiped a tear from his eyes. After Baji got Chifuyu out of the storage closet all three of the boys looked around the mess they had created in the store.

"We should put up a no squirrels allowed sign." Baji spoke. After a moment of silence all three of them snapped and started laughing incredibly hard. Chifuyu and Kazutora fell to the floor and that only fueled Baji's laughter.

Hours were spent cleaning up the whole store. After all of that effort the three decided that they were going to not reopen and just take the rest of the day off. They had definitely lost a lot of money but in the end it was a good day.

i thought this would be really silly

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