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Kenjirou Shirabu was undoubtedly a smart guy. He was the only student on the Shiratorizawa volleyball team who hadn't gotten in through Sports scholarship, but through pure academics. He prided himself in this however, he also set a high bar for himself and strived to achieve it, no matter his mental health.

Shirabu knew it was Tendou running up to him from behind him in the hallway. He saw Tendou as an older brother and vice versa with Tendou. After all, they basically had lived with each other for the past year. School had just ended and all the students were making their way back to their dormitories/home.

"Hey, Tendou-san" Shirabu was tired yet happy to see his senpai.

"So, kenji," The taller boy huffed after having run up to Shirabu. He had a suprisingly low stamina when it came to things like running and climbing stairs, despite being an athlete.

"Waka-chan, Eita, Goshiki and i were planning to watch a movie tonight and order food in mine and Waka-chans dorm. You down?"

Shirabu was genuinely interested in this for a few reasons; he actually wanted to do something with his friends that wasn't volleyball-centred; he wanted an excuse to see his crush, Semi Eita.
However, Shirabu was going to visit his family this weekend and thus, had to complete his homework this night as to not have it accumulate and do it on Sunday evening. After all, Shirabu did not focus well when he was stressed and it often caused panic attacks.

"Ah, I wish I could, Tendou-san.. I actually have a load of work to do tonight"

Shirabu had a slight scowl on his face as he genuinely was interested in having a night in with his friends.

"Okie-dokie Kenjirou! Another time for sure!" The taller said as he leaped away. However, not before giving the younger the 'don't-overwork-yourself' stare with Shirabu rolling his eyes humourously, in response.

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