Well, shit

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It was Sunday evening, Shirabu had just gotten back from his family home, tired and ready to just take a shower then go sleep. He saw Semi and Ushijima in the common room and waved at them. Ushijima gave a small nod to Shirabu whereas Semi gave Shirabu a wink.

A wink??

Shirabu panicked and ran up to Tendou's dorm to ask him if he had told Semi that he liked him but he wasn't to be found. Shirabu started asking himself if Tendou was the right person to tell about his sexuality. Shirabu ran to his dorm room before sliding his back down against the wall and ending up crouched in fromt of the wall. He began to panic about whether Semi was going to make fun of him now that he had found out Shirabu was gay and that he liked him. Shirabu's breath quickened as he began to tremble. Tears started falling from his eyes as he tried to pick up his phone to call his older brother. After all, he knew his brother since he was born and was the only one who had seen him have a panic attack. Shirabu's fingers kept trying to unlock his phone but kept failing due to his shaking fingers. He eventually gave up and yelled "FUCK" before throwing his phone onto his bed. He tried so hard to breathe but it just would work. Tears were streaming down his face as he tried to fathom the idea of Semi liking him back.

"I am so stupid!! how could i have thought semi would like me back let alone tell his best friend i like him without him telling semi!?" he thought to himself before he saw the door to his dorm open.

He knew it could only be one boy who would walk through at this time. Semi.

Semi found the boy crimpled on the floor, choking on his sobs and his hyperventilation.

Semi had never seen a panic attack in real life. He didn't know what to do before hesitantly putting his arms around the younger boy and counting to 10 slowly to help him breathe properly. Shirabu eventually started breathing properly before Semi let go. He was still crying but at least he could breathe and see straight.


"No, please.. i'm sorry.. i shouldn't have told Tendou-san.. This is all my fault and I just want to forget this ever happened"

"Tell Tendou-san what?" Semi looked utterly confused at what Shirabu was alluding to.

"I should have never told Tendou-san that I like you. I know you don't like me back so can we please just move on like nothing happened" Shirabu was still sobbing so only about half of this made sense however , Semi deciphered all of it.

"Tendou never told me anything about you liking me, Kenjirou"

Shirabu froze. As if he could be any more embarrassed or vunerable right now, he had just outed not only his sexuality, but his crush as well to his crush.

"shit. shit, shit, shit!! i'm so sorry Semi-san. I promise the crush will go and I really don't want this to affect our friendship. And i really didn't mean for you to find out this way; you just winked at me and I thought you were making fun of me for liking you and-"

Shirabu couldn't finish his sentance of utter yap before he was silenced by Semi's lips interlocking with his own.

"I like you too, dumbass"

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