What an idiot

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A tear dropped from Shirabu's eye as he looked down at his legs. He felt the older boy pull his chair towards him and wrap his arms around him. More tears escaped Shirabu's eyes as he tried to cover his face with his hands. He had never been this scared of someone's reaction before. Especially to information as personal as this.

Tendou hugged Shirabu for what felt like 2 minutes. Choked sobs escaped Shirabu's mouth as he attempted to apologise to Tendou and himself.

"Shira, why would you need to appologise to me? I support you and if anything, am so proud of you for trusting me enough to tell me this" Tendou let go of the hug, reaching for some tissues on the shelf to Shirabu's right to give to the younger boy.

Shirabu not only wanted Tendou to be the first to hear this because they were close, but also because him and Ushijima were the only openly queer friends of his and he knew damn well he didn't want to have this conversation with the stoic being that is Ushijima.

A quiet "thank you" escaped Shirabu's mouth before collecting himself and asking Tendou not to tell anyone.

Tendou motioned that he would keep his lips sealed before getting up and heading to his and Ushijima's dorm. But not before making a joke about Shirabu's taste to find Semi hot. Shirabu let out a little laugh before he, himself, got up to join Semi in their dorm room.

"Hey, you studied late" Shirabu was met with the older boy in the upper bunk, ready to go to bed.
"Yeah, im visiting my family over the weekend so i wanted to get my work out of the way"
Shirabu was glad Semi was in the top bunk, looking up at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling because it meant that he wouldn't see Shirabus red and puffy face.

"Oh righttt, I forgot. Well, i'm staying for the weekend so don't wake me when you leave tomorrow morning"

Shirabu attempted to reply with a "got it" before noticing Semi had fallen right asleep in his bed.

"what an idiot" Shirabu thought to himself. He almost blushed at the fact that he liked this idiot.

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