Friday Night

13 1 4

Shirabu made his way back to the Shiratorizawa Common Room, where all the boarders could chill, study and basically the hang-out spot for the living quarters of the school.
He found a quiet table at the back of the room for him to go drop his books and pens down before sitting down to study. The common room wasn't usually busy on a Friday afternoon, given most boarders would leave to visit their families around this time if not the morning after, as Shirabu had planned to do himself. He liked it when the common room was quiet. His dorm room, whom he shared with Semi, provided an awfully small desk at which he couldn't study efficiently at, so he adopted the habit of using the desks in the common room and studying there. There were only about 5 or so people in the room, all but Shirabu were sitting down on the couches and chairs, having a not-so-lively conversation, aware of Shirabus presence and the fact he liked to study in a quiet environment.

At around 7pm, Shirabu got a notification on his phone, alerting him of Goshiki's story update. He clicked on it to see a selfie with Goshiki at the front, Tendou and Ushijima at the back, underneath a blanket, and Semi kneeling next to Goshiki, throwing up a peace sign.

Shirabu liked the story and began to think about Semi. Everything about Semi. How nice he was, how much of an inspiration he was, his pretty eyes, his prettier personality...

Shirabu soon stopped remeniscing about his crush as he noticed the time. 8:49pm. The showers were going to close in 10 minutes. Shirabu attempted to gather all his stuff as he rushed to go dump the textbooks in his dorm and take a shower until he realised that as he spent over an hour thinking about Semi, he didn't complete one of his assignments due Monday morning. Shirabu sighed and told himself he would shower in the morning as he sat back down and opened up his textbooks. By the time he had finished his assignment, it was 10pm and Tendou had made his way out of his dorm toom and into the common room, forraging for a snack, assuming for him, Ushijima, Goshiki and Semi.
He didn't notice Shirabu in the back of the room and jumped when the younger boy asserted his presence by saying hi.

"Eeeeh! Kenjirouu you're still here?! Semi's gone back to your guys's dorm room if you wanna look for him"

Shirabu jumped back at the statement a little. Although he saw Tendou as an older brother, he hadn't told him about his raging crush on Semi let alone the fact that he was gay.

"why would i be looking for Semi-san? its not like we're close or anything"  the boy replied somewhat defensively

"i mean, you two are friends, no? i figured you didn't want to go upstairs just yet because you'd be alone"

"oh right.." Shirabu hadn't even thought about the fact that Tendou was probably just informing him about his roommates presence rather than telling Shirabu to make a move.

Tendou could sense a drop in the atmosphere and he walked up to Shirabu before slumping himself down on the stool next to Shirabu's.

"Something bothering you, Kenjirou?"
At times, Shirabu found Tendou having amazing intuition causing the two to not have many secrets with each other, despite the youngers' cold and reclusive nature. It was probably why Shirabu trusted Tendou so much and saw him as a brother.

"Erm yeah.. could i talk to you about something, Tendou-san? Something i've never told anyone before"
Shirabu knew that if he was going to tell anyone about his sexuality and crush, it would be Tendou. After all, Tendous intuition would probably result in him finding out anyways.

"Of course! I'm all ears!" Tendou shifted himself slightly closer to the setter, leaning his arms on the back of Shirabu's chair, which was facing sideways.

"Tendou-san.." Shirabu's eyes started to well up as he had never been this vunerable before. Especially not in front of Tendou.

Tendou put his arm around the younger's shoulder, providing some comfort as he realised that this was a serious situation.

"I think i'm in love with Semi-san"

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