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Shirabu went to bed with a warm, fuzzy feeling in his heart. A feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time. He couldn't believe that he actually confessed to the boy he liked. And more importantly, that the feeling was mutual.

The next morning, Shirabu woke up to a kiss on his forehead

"morning, shiraaa" the older boy said with a smile. Although Shirabu was extremely happy that he had a boyfriend now, that hadn't changed the fact that he was not a morning person, so he returned Semi's wake up kiss with a scowl. A scowl Semi grew so dearly fond of.

As the two made their way to morning practice, after breakfast, they were met with Leon and Taichi, who were making their way to the clubroom, along side Shirabu and Semi.

"Hey guys! you heard about that training camp coach organised for us with some other schools in Miyagi-ken?" Leon asked quite excitedly, hoping that the other two boys would attend.

"wait what?? I never got this info" Semi said, slightly shocked

"same" followed by Shirabu

"Oh don't worry about it, coach only emailed it to us last night so he will probably talk about it now" said Taichi

As they entered the gym, Taichi found himself correct; coach Washijo had displayed a flipboard with the information of a training camp taking place at the end of the week. All the players seemed excited as not only could they practice with other schools, but they'd also not had a practice camp in about a year, so they were looking forward to it.

That evening, Shirabu packed all his things relatively quickly despite it being Monday. He claimed that he "wanted to get it over with so I can study friday night rather than pack" to anyone who asked why he packed so early.

A very Shirabu-esque answer.


As the end of the week rolled forward, the volleyball team met outside of the gym to get onto their bus to get to the school the camp was being hosted at, which was Johzenji high. The journey was about 4 hours so Coach Washijo suggested everyone to spread out on the coach as to not get cramps. Therefore, Shirabu had claimed the entire back row of the bus to himself for him to sprawl his limbs across. Taichi, however, was opposed to this

"but coach! he's literally the shortest on the team!! he doesn't need all that space! i'm 6'4 and being confined to 2 seats while he gets 4!!!"

After a lot of arguing between Taichi, Coach Washijo and Shirabu, they ended up deciding for Shirabu and Taichi to share the back row, not to Shirabu's delight.

By the time they arrived at Johzenji, it was 1am, saturday morning. Coach suggested they all just go straight to bed, despite sleeping on the coach, because they had an early morning.

As the team set up the futons provided by the school, they noticed that they were 1 short of a futon. It was too late to ask any of the coaches for a spare futon so they looked around the other classrooms which had been turned into sleeping rooms for the other schools.

None. None of the futons were being unused.

Semi suggested to Shirabu, somewhat jokingly, that they could share a futon. Shirabu wasn't completely opposed to the idea however, he was scared it may out their relationship. Also, since Ushijima and Tendou were dating, he couldn't see why they couldn't just share. Then it dawned on him that they were both really tall and it wouldn't seem efficient at all. Semi, however reassured Shirabu that they could just sleep on seperate ends of the futon, which turned out alright with Shirabu.

So it was decided. Semi and Shirabu would share a futon.

As the pair came back from brushing their teeth, they found their whole team fast asleep. Due to this, Shirabu suggested that they didn't necessarily have to sleep on seperate ends of the futon now, since nobody would see them as they're asleep. Semi happily obliged to this and they both got into the bed.

Semi lay on his side with the younger boy in front of him, with no distance between them and their legs intertwined.

Shirabu hadn't realised how much he longed to be in the warm embrace of someone he loved.

Until he was in Semi's warm embrace.
Shirabu felt content, happy and comfortable. He was truly happy he was finally with the boy he loved. All of his stress from school, home, volleyball, everywhere had been released.

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