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"i like you too, dumbass"
The words echoed in Shirabu's mind endlessley until he snapped out of it and realised that the boy who had said the words was still sitting in front of him.

He let his mouth run before his mind and just blurted
"what?? why?"

Semi looked at Shirabu with a confused yet amused expression in response to Shirabu's reaction. He let out a small laugh before gently saying;
"I don't need to explain to you why I love you, right?"

Shirabu kept his lips pressed together as he shook his head quickly, indicating a 'no'.

"Well, erm, i'd better clean up and sort myself out in the bathroom haha" Shirabu said awkwardly as he got up from his position and reached for their dorm door, at the same time indicating Semi to leave.

Semi caught on to this and laughed. The younger boy was confused as to why the ash blonde was laughing until he remembered that this ash blonde was his roommate. He let out a sigh of relief as he just left to go to the bathroom.


Shirabu returned about 10 minutes later, Semi had also freshened up and was ready for bed, he was just now closing the dorm rooms' curtains before he turned around to see the younger boy, looking a lot more calm and collected than earlier.

The younger boy locks eyes with Semi and cautiously asks

"So what are we, Semi-san? Are you my boyfriend now?"

The younger boy lifts the hem of his shirt up to wipe some toothpaste off from his lip as the older boy, very animatedly, pretends to think.

"Hmmmm, well, I think- oohh actually I don't know...."

The third year continues to stall the sentance before walking up to Shirabu and pulling him into a hug as they both sit on the bottom bunk of their bunk bed. Shirabu, understandably, was confused as he hadn't gotten a clear answer and was naturally, very overwhelmed given all that had happened this evening.

"I quite like me being your boyfriend. Sounds quite cool. Eita the Boyfriend!" Semi says with a small laugh, causing a soft smile to appear on Shirabu's face. In response, Shirabu gives a content nod in agreement before repeating;

"Eita the boyfriend"

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