Chapter 1

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Man, waking up today was brutal. I swear, frustration just smacked me like a freight train the moment I opened my eyes. All I could think about was that massive pile of homework and those looming presentations waiting for me. The mere idea of slacking off and watching my grades nosedive sent chills down my spine. I mean, Science projects, Math equations, and ELA essays were all just glaring at me, daring me to tackle them. I even thought about banging my head against the door out of sheer exasperation. It was that bad.

Just as I started to shuffle around, I heard the familiar echo of footsteps making their way up the stairs – a telltale sign that my mom was up and about. I braced myself for what was coming next, knowing her irritation was inevitable. So, when she dramatically flung my door open, I wasn't even surprised.

"Can someone get some sleep around here? You're so loud!"

"Sorry, Mom. I just couldn't sleep and needed something to occupy my morning."

"You better be sorry. What happened to your room?" My mom exclaimed, disappointed. "It's a complete disaster, Anne! I told you to finish all your studies. What about your homework, the school dance, and the collaboration with Virginia State University?"

Yep, that's my mom in a nutshell – always aiming for the stars when it comes to her kids, but sometimes missing the mark on the real struggles we're dealing with. She's got this habit of throwing expectations our way without really grasping the hurdles we're facing. It's like she's so focused on pushing us forward that she forgets to check if we're even okay.

Mom's always on about perfection. She's constantly pushing me to finish my homework way ahead of schedule, like a week early or something. It can be pretty tough to keep up, but deep down, I know she's just trying to prep me for the real world. I mean, someday, I'll be the one there for her, just like she's always been there for me. It's like paying it forward.

"Yes, Mom."

It's like Groundhog Day every morning, repeating this same old routine because I'm just not wired to be some over-the-top overachiever like some of my classmates. But before I even think about stepping out the door for school, I've got to double-check that every project and essay is done and dusted. Can't afford any slip-ups. Once I'm convinced that I've got an A in the bag, then and only then do I make my grand exit.

But today, something feels off. The stares from my peers as I walk through the halls suggest that something's up. And my suspicions only grow when the principal comes my way, looking all serious and troubled. Uh oh.

"I want you in my office. Now!"

"Yes, Mr. Tinderman. What is all of this about? Not meaning to sound rude, but if it's about the demonic angels, my mom has already warned me about the dangers they pose."

First, I get scolded by my mom for incomplete schoolwork, and now the principal is summoning me for reasons unknown.

"I'm here to talk to you about a new target that we found. He goes by the name of Maximine Mikhails," He whispered frantically.

"Oh? And I suppose that's him?" I questioned, jerking my head in the boy's direction.

He stiffens, then continues dramatically. "What would you like to say about how you are acting?" he asks, attempting to change the subject now that he walked in. So I played along.

"If you think you could get anything out of me, you can just try." By the time he reaches us, I can smell the demonic scent emanating from him as he stands by me, completely oblivious to his surroundings. Then he pretends he knows what we're talking about and speaks.

"Sorry, sir, Anne just gets really ahead of herself." Don't make me regret this, Annabelle Christine Voulac, or should I say, Shrydon Evercrest. He whispers in my head.

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