Chapter 14

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The warehouse air crackled with otherworldly energy as Jasper's words hung in silence. Max and I exchanged a nervous glance, and I could tell the wings he kept hidden were twitching, aching to unfurl.

Jasper took a deep breath, his eyes glowing with an unearthly light. "What I'm about to tell you goes beyond the mortal realm. Are you prepared to embrace your true nature?"

I swallowed hard, feeling the power coursing through my veins. "We need to know, Jasper. Please."

He nodded solemnly, allowing his glamour to fade. Massive black wings, etched with silvery scars, unfurled behind him. "Very well. Anne, your visions aren't just dreams. They're glimpses into the celestial planes, fragments of divine and infernal timelines. You, my dear, are a Seer. Apart from being a Nexus and a demonic angel. It's just one of your many forms."

The word resonated in my very essence. Max tensed beside me, and I could see something around him flickering with suppressed power. He wanted out of here. But what was that thing around him? I'd have to ask him about it later. 

"But how? I thought we were just... different. Until now I didn't even know there were more of us. Now that I know, it changes everything." Most importantly, how did you stay hidden, Jasper?

Jasper's expression softened slightly. "It's in your blood, Anne. You're descended from both angels and demons. But you're the first in generations to manifest such strong powers of foresight."

I felt dizzy, overwhelmed by the implications. "And the others? Chaston, Chase, Stanton?"

"They have their own celestial gifts," Jasper explained. "Different from yours, but powerful in their own right. We're part of a hidden world, Anne. A world of demonic angels, living alongside mortals who have no idea we exist." That, I figured. But how could Max, as powerful as he was, not know there were more of us? Was he just too caught up on protecting me that he didn't see what was behind the veil?

Max stepped forward, his eyes now glowing with a golden light. "If that's true, why tell us now? Why all the secrecy?"

Jasper's face darkened, shadows swirling around him. "Because there are those who would use our powers to tip the balance between Heaven and Hell. A group called the Obscura. They've been hunting our kind for millennia, either to control us or eliminate us entirely." I wonder what Max thought about this. Did he know about the Obscura?

A chill ran down my spine as I remembered the vision I'd had in the cafeteria. "The dark room," I whispered. "The infernal symbols on the walls. Was that...?"

Jasper nodded grimly. "The Obscura's ritual chamber. Your powers are growing stronger, Anne. You're seeing beyond the veil of reality now."

"So what do we do?" Max asked, protective energy radiating from him. "How do we keep Anne safe?"

"We train her," Jasper said firmly. "Help her control her abilities, understand her dual nature. And we prepare for the war that's coming."

I felt a mix of fear and determination rising within me. "War? Between who?"

Jasper's eyes met mine, filled with celestial fire. "Between those who seek balance and those who would destroy it. The Obscura wants to merge the realms, to create chaos. We can't let that happen." First it was the Void Walkers. Now this? What the hell? 

"We?" Max interjected. "Who exactly is 'we'?"

A small, knowing smile played at the corners of Jasper's mouth. "You've already met some of us. Chaston, Chase, Stanton... they're part of our circle. There are others too, scattered throughout the city. We call ourselves the Twilight Guardians."

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