Alola Vacation!

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"Umbrakuma!" Alex shouted, she was currently in the middle of a Gym Battle, and her Gengar, Umbrakuma, fainted. The Gym Challenger laughed cockily, crossing their arms. "Is that all you got?" They snorted, Alex gripped her Pokeball. "You did good, Kuma, rest now." Alex returned Umbrakuma.
"Up next, an actor that doesn't fit in! But an actor nonetheless, a beautiful moon goddess! Milk, you're up!" Alex threw a Healball in the air, sending out Milk.

(Quick note: if you haven't read my other books Milk is a Sylveon! And Alex's partner! I'll put an image of what Alex looks like at the end :))) )

"Huh? A Sylveon?" The Challenger was confused, after all, this was a Ghost Gym.
"Stage directions! Use Moonblast!" Alex extended her arms out, and Milk got into an attacking position. "Ninetales, brave yourself! A stupid Moonblast shouldn't leave a scratch, you hear me?!" The Gym Challenger yelled out, and their Ninetales nodded.
Alex began to count down, and the Moonblast was getting bigger.
Milk started sliding back from how big and powerful the attack was.

"And action!" Alex clasped her hands together, and Milk sent off the Moonblast. The Ninetales braced itself, but not enough. There was smoke EVERYWHERE. The pressure from the explosion made the two humans cover themselves up with their arms. "Ninetales, no!" The Gym Challenger yelled, as the smoke cleared up, it was clear that Ninetales fainted.
"Yes! Finally...!" Alex sighed, almost falling but gripping her knees to catch herself. "Vacation to Alolaaaaaa!" She started crying happy tears. "Sylv! Sylveon!" Milk seemed happy aswell.
The Challenger gave her 50k PokeDollars. Alex, satisfied, thanked the Trainer and waved them goodbye. When the Challenger left, Alex collapsed on the floor, rolling over.

Milk walked over to where Alex was laying, and started to loaf. Alex started petting her Partner Pokemon, looking up at the bright lights of the Gym.
"Alola... Vacation..."


god i want to be erika so badly

god i want to be erika so badly

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Alex's design:

Alex's design:

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