When Aubrey asked me to pick her sister up from the airport, I was expecting someone who looked like her, not some goddess. I mean, she's the complete opposite of Brey.
But I can't complain though, and I get to share an apartment with her. Damn, God must love me.
After Kk drop me off at my apartment, which I find out that’s my roommate, I started to decorate my room to my liking.
In the middle of my lil concert I got 2 notifications. Kamoreaarnold started following you. Kamoreaarnold liked your post.
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Liked by kamoreaarnlod, aubrey.griffin44, paigebueckers, and 11,563 more
Angel2freakyySettling in nice
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I followed Kk back and decided to take a nap because jetlag is a bitch. Before I could close my eyes, I got another notification, but I'll just check it later. A bitch is tired.
Authors note So how was it? I know it was a bit short but the next one will be much longer.