Chapter Twenty-One: The Fight

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The next day was LIla's fight with Link over the Master Sword. She woke up unusually early (for her) to practice in the yard. She had been too busy the last two days to practice. After a while, Zale came to watch her.

"You weren't at breakfast," he said.

Lila didn't pause her movements. "I'm too riled up to eat." Her stomach growled in protest.

Zale laughed. "Sounds to me like you're ready for some food."

Lila finished her forms and put away her sword. "Okay, you win," she teased.

He led her to the dining room, where everyone else had finished eating. He ordered a servant to bring Lila some food and then she chowed down. Zale watched her feeding frenzy.

"Slow down," he laughed. "There's no need to rush."

Lila listened to his advice and tried to slow down. She swallowed what was in her mouth and said, "I just want to get back to practicing. I haven't used my sword in so long."

"It has only been a few days, my sweet."

"That's too long," Lila retorted, though she couldn't help smiling at what he called her.

Link entered the room with a serious look on his face. "When will we start the fight?"

"As soon as Lila's done eating," Zale said.

"Hang on," Lila protested. "Give me some time to digest after. Link, have you eaten?"

"I don't need to eat." Then his stomach growled.

Lila and Zale laughed. Lila said, "It seems your stomach says otherwise. Pull up a chair. Join me."

Grudgingly, Link sat down and got his own plate. Zale told the servant to bring more food.

Zale said, "Warriors need to eat a lot if they're to keep their strength up."

Neither Link nor Lila replied.

Zale continued, "So, this fight. I don't want either of you hurt too badly, so I want you to be careful. Just tap your opponent. When one of you surrenders or is obviously at a disadvantage, the other wins. Can I get you both to agree to that?"

Lila nodded and said, "Yes, sir!"

Link was more solemn when he said, "I'll do as you say."

"Good," Zale said. "Now hurry up and eat so we can get this over with."

An hour later, Lila and Link were well-fed and rested. The time had come for their fight.

Zale made sure the practice yard was clear. He didn't want anyone besides himself and Zelda to witness the fight, even Ella. He allowed Salvatore and Impa to be there, however. Salvatore in case they needed anything, and Impa because she was Zale's personal guard.

Lila and Link each took down a soldier's blade and felt the balance. Both agreed the swords were acceptable and stood in the center of the practice yard.

"Remember," Zale said from the side, "I want a clean fight. Be careful."

"You got it," Lila said, eyeing her opponent.

Link merely nodded.

"Ready?" Salvatore called out. "Go!"

Link lunged forward only for Lila to block. She smoked. This was going to be easy.

Zale watched fascinated as the two moved through forms one after another. Sometimes the weapons and feet moved too fast for his eyes to follow. They appeared equally matched, and Zale wondered who could possibly be the winner.

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