Pen to Paper (5/20/15)

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Her thoughts ran wild. There was no direction, good or bad, just going. She did the only thing she knew how to when her thoughts moved too quick. She put a pen to paper. 'Nothing bad here. For once. Just organization.' She thought, peacefully, a small smile pulling at her lips.

The pen scratched across the paper as she created eloquent sentences about boys with fringes and girls in floral dresses.

Bringing a pen to paper always relaxed her. Made her feel better, and made her happy. She wished she Had more time to drag pens across paper.

She felt at peace surrounded by words. Words calmed her. Not spoken words, pen to paper written words. And writing her own words makes her the most peaceful. Clears her mind and allows for new, better thoughts. Haply thoughts, when the world is dark; happier thoughts when the world is already bright.

Black font on a white page, instead of red blood on a tanned arm. Pen to paper, instead of razors to skin.

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