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Bill's POV

Life went back to normal. After weeks of sorrow, I realized that the best way to honor his memory was by continuing his legacy.

"You look fresh today!" Georg smiled at me, a rare glimmer of approval in his eyes.

"Yes, I feel better," I nodded, feeling the weight of grief slowly lifting. "So, what are the plans?"

"We've taken over all of Shibuya*. The largest drug cartels and weapon facilities are under our control," Georg said, proud of himself.

"You scaring away Phantom Rider was also a great success," he added.

"I didn't scare him away, he just disappeared."

"Well, whatever you did, it worked," Georg shrugged.

"We should move forward to Harajuku*. There will be a problem, though - Mila's forces are mainly gathered there," Georg continued.

That name always made me freeze for a second. I hadn't seen her since I carried her home. It had been more than a month. It felt like yesterday and an eternity at the same time. I still had that chip from her apartment elevator. But I never used it to check the place. The thought lingered in my mind, but I would only use it if there wasn't another way.

"Morning!" Down the stairs came a blonde, gorgeous-looking woman - the same one from the race.

"Morning," I replied, watching as she sat next to me at the kitchen table, still wearing a nightgown. She pushed her chair closer to mine and wrapped her arms around my neck, her long hair cascading over my shoulders.

Georg looked at me with a grin. She interrupted our conversation. We never spoke about plans in front of 'pets.' I didn't know how to refer to her, so out of old habit, I used the term 'pet.' It was nicer than 'bitch' but worse than 'girlfriend,' and besides, Tom used to call women that until he found the love of his life.

Just between us boys, they were still pets - someone we controlled. They obeyed, and we trained them to do what we wanted. I knew it was disgusting, but it was nothing compared to how we used to live just years ago.

"So, there's this party..." Georg, to my surprise, continued talking. "It will be different from our usual scene. It's in Azabu Juban*."

"Oh my God! That's where all the celebrities live!" Laura squealed with excitement. She was always excited about everything, to the point I thought she was using drugs daily.

"We need to infiltrate this party, and I was thinking Bill, you should do it," Gustav continued, ignoring Laura.

"Why me?" I already didn't like that place.

"Because look at yourself! You already look like one of them! And with Laura by your side, the cover will be perfect," Georg had a point.

"Fine, I'll go. What exactly do I have to do?"

"Just charm them all." Georg smirked, looking at Laura with suspicion. "I'll tell you later."

Later that evening, Gustav, Georg, and I sat in the poker room alone.

"So, there's this man, Hanzō. He's a well-known real estate dealer, and he owns almost half of Tokyo under many different names. That's his party," Georg informed us.

"He has documents and maps of many crucial locations we need. Getting those maps will keep us a step ahead of everyone else. He owns most of the facilities where our and our enemies' deals happen."

"Classic, one man sitting on a throne, pushing us all around," Gustav commented.

"So, how do we do it?" I asked impatiently.

"I've already infiltrated waiters for the party who are taking care of security and gathering entrance keys to all rooms in the house. Gustav and I will raid the house while your job is to smile and shine - and don't kill anyone."

"Sounds fine to me!" I laughed.

The evening of the party, Laura judged me as I got dressed.

"You're not going like this, are you?" She looked at my boots and chains with disdain.

"Have you seen celebrities? They go to parties dressed like clowns. At least I look good," I snapped back.

"This is a different party. There will be photographers, even a red carpet at the entrance. You have to wear something polite and nice, and maybe don't stand out that much?" She was right. If I stood out too much, my name would once again be all over gossip magazines, which would really mess with our work.

"I'm thinking - a suit, maybe?" She suggested, excited again.

"Fine!" I wasn't excited at all. "I hate places like that."

We didn't go through the red carpet entrance. One of our people sneaked us into the house through the workers' entrance, and that little fact alone ruined Laura's day.

I had a feeling she would mess up our mission, but I needed her as an accessory.

As we walked into the party, a smile spread across Laura's face. It was fancy! So many people in such a fancy place. I scanned around. There was no sign of Hanzō. I had to find him and keep him in sight at all times.

Waiters walked around with champagne glasses. There were dancers at the center of the floor. Men and women dressed in suits and fancy dresses. Everyone took themselves so seriously, it made me laugh inside.

"Bill, I want a drink." She clung to my side.

"Stop saying my name," I hushed her.

"So what do I call you then? Daddy?" She fluttered her puppy eyes at me. I found what she said disgusting.

"Daddy issues, huh? That explains it all." I growled at her. "Just don't call me any name. Go do your thing - meet people, get some autographs..." I wanted to get rid of her as fast as possible.

"No, really... GO!" I commanded her.

Laura went straight to the bar, to the punch bowl where you could serve yourself a drink. There was a bit of a row of people, mostly women already bored. Rich men's wives, never satisfied with anything. Laura looked at one of them, who stood by that bowl, blocking her from reaching a glass.

"Excuse me, lady, can you please give me a glass from your side?"

"Sure," she reached for a glass.

"Thanks!" Laura smiled at her.

"You're welcome," the woman with crystal blue eyes smirked back at her.


* Shibuya - Shibuya is a special ward in the Tokyo Metropolis, Japan. A major commercial and finance center.

*Harajuku is the common name given to a geographic area spreading from Harajuku Station to Omotesando.

*Azabu Juban - Azabu-Juban is a residential area in central with a mixture of Japanese shops, restaurants and bars.

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