Too Late

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Mila's POV

I dashed down the stairs to the underground parking lot where Bill's car was parked. I hadn't felt this thrill in forever. It was like a blast from the past - fear swapped out for adrenaline, and I was ready to go back to fight. There was no way I was leaving him alone with God knows who.

Bill hadn't called. If it was safe, he'd have definitely called. I grabbed his car keys from my bag and pulled out the gun. Being a gangster's girlfriend had its perks, but it also had its downsides. Funny thing was, just a few months ago, I was the one everyone in Tokyo was scared of. Suddenly, everyone had forgotten about it.

"Let's do this!" I loaded the gun with new bullets. "Time to get my man out of there!"

As I headed up the stairs, I heard shouting coming from our apartment. I instantly recognized Bill's voice. They were arguing about me. Oh crap, it's Tom. I can't exactly go shooting at him.

The sound of pounding footsteps made me bolt. I ducked into the corner of another apartment entrance as Gustav and Georg sprinted past me towards my place. "What the hell is going on? Are they coming after me?"

Clearly, my attack plan wasn't the brightest idea. I decided to lay low in the underground parking lot and wait for Bill or their next move. I tried to sneak down the stairs quietly, but once I got close to the parking lot, I just had to run.

Then, out of nowhere, a brutal force threw me down the last few steps, and my gun skidded across the ground.

"Where do you think you're going, honey?" He landed on me with all his weight. His body and oversized clothes swallowed me whole.

I knew I had one shot at this. I went for the only move that could possibly work and kicked him straight between the legs. "Tell Taylor I'm sorry for this!"

His pain-filled scream echoed as he grabbed his crotch. I rolled out from under him, jumped up, and took off.

"Mila!!" I heard Bill's voice from a distance. My heart was racing like crazy. I couldn't turn back—Tom was blocking the way.

I hid behind a car, my breathing way too loud. Tom was definitely going to hear me. I thought, "Oh my God, I do not want to die!"

I peeked out and saw his shadow in the dim light. He wasn't moving, just scanning the area.

"Where the heck is Bill?" I thought. "Why is he taking so long? Please, don't let me die here."

I felt my fierce attitude slip away, replaced by pure fear. I was like a bunny caught in a trap, being hunted by a vicious fox. Suddenly, I heard the sharp noise of bullets hitting the ground around my legs as Tom shot at me. I ran in sheer desperation, with Tom hot on my heels, still firing.

"Tom, please don't do this!" I shouted as he chased me through the building.

"Don't beg me, you'll only make it worse!" Tom's voice echoed against the walls, filled with rage.

"Tom! Stop!" Relief surged through me at hearing Bill. He was here, everything would be okay. He'd save me. But deep down, my gut told me otherwise.

Bill had bought me a moment to hide again. I could hear the sharp cracks of gunshots ringing out - Bill and Tom were shooting at each other. What have I done? This is all my fault. I can't be the reason they're hurting each other. Not me.

Oh my God, what have I done? The pain inside me was almost unbearable. If I had listened to Sergei and gone to Lithuania, none of this would be happening. I was ready to give up, to wave my white flag, to take a bullet if it meant they both wouldn't kill each other.

The conflict between Bill and Tom was tearing me apart. I crouched in the shadows, my heart racing as the sounds of their struggle grew more intense. The fear that they might both die because of me was overwhelming. I felt like a terrible weight was pressing down on me, making it hard to breathe.

Each shot and each movement felt like it was happening in slow motion. I wanted to scream, to run out and stop them, but I knew that would only make things worse.

The silence that followed was deafening. I held my breath, hoping for some sign that the fighting had stopped. Then I saw Bill stagger. I could not tell, but it looked like he might be shot. Panic surged through me. I had to act.

Without thinking, I bolted from my hiding spot and ran towards Bill, shouting, "Stop! Both of you, stop!"

Bill looked at me with terror. "Mila, no! Run!"

I turned, and Tom's gun was aimed right at my head.

"Run!" Bill ran towards Tom, without any fear of getting shot, and I veered to the side to head for the building exit. Tom threw Bill aside and ran after me instantly. At that moment, I realized he was the best racer in town, and I might lose this race to him.

Bill jumped up. He had to make it on time! He had to MAKE IT ON TIME! It was pitch dark, the building was huge, but he could hear Tom's heavy footsteps already fading in the distance.

"Get Bill out of here, now!" Tom's roar sliced through the air like a blade, raw and desperate. Gustav and Georg sprang into action, lunging at Bill, who exploded with a ferocity they'd never seen before, making it clear - he would rather die than leave.

"NO! YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" Bill's voice ripped out of him, animalistic and wild. He fought like a man possessed, his body a whirlwind of limbs and fury, thrashing against them with a strength born of sheer madness. His eyes were wide and wild, as if his very soul was tearing itself apart.

They tackled him to the ground, but he writhed like a caged animal, his breath ragged, his screams reverberating through the ambient space. Gustav struggled to hold him, sweat pouring down his face, while Georg wrestled Bill's arms, trying to pin him down.

Mila run towards exit. Door was locked. Tom closed the distance... 

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