Chapter 8: Ben attack

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You walk into the forest humming a song that you some how remember.

"Huh! I guess I remembered a song from before the glade! Cool!" You say continuing to hum it (it was shut up and dance with me :)) You kept walking but you couldn't remember the lyrics! You started getting annoyed and you kicked a rock that landed right in front of someone. It was Ben.

"Oh hey Ben! How are you? Enjoying your day off?" You say walking closer but you could tell something was wrong with him. One of his eyes were black and his veins were really noticeable, he was breathing very heavily. 

"Hey are you o-" You say but before you could finish Ben lunges at you tackling you to the ground.

"ITS YOUR FAULT! WHY DID YOU COME HERE!? WHY DID THEY SEND YOU HERE!?" Ben says screaming in your face and his nails were digging into your skin. You scream, as the pain was to unbearable. 

"GET OFF ME!" You scream grabbing the closest thing next to you (a rock) and hitting Ben in the head. You quickly got up and ran screaming.

"SOMEONE HELP!" You say running out of the forest, Ben then tackled you from behind and started strangling you. You then strangle him back rolling over so you were on top of him (this sounds weird) :] Everyone than ran over, and Newt grabbed a stick and whacked Ben in the face.

"GET THE FUCK OF HER!" Newt shouted as the other gladers pinned Ben to the floor.

"Lift up his shirt!" You say knowing what happened. Newt that ran over to you hugging you.

"He got stung..." Fry said staring at Ben's stomach. Ben then begs for forgiveness, saying that he'd get better, but we all know that that's a lie. The gladers then threw Ben in the put and few glader's sat near the pit watching Ben get more infected and some others went back to work trying to forget the situation.

"Are you ok? That must've been really scary," Newt says kissing your cheek.

"It's happened before it's not a big deal. We need to call a meeting, can you tell everyone to meet me in the main hut please?" You say taking Newts hand.

"Of course I'll get everyone," Newt says walking away. You make your way to the main hut and everyone starts to arrive.

"Thank you everyone for meeting me here, as you all know Ben was stung, but in the day. That's never happened before!"

"Also, we also need another runner as Ben's... gone" Minho says looking at the floor. We all stayed silent when Gally then screamed out.

"It's all Thomas's and Teresa's fault! When they came everything started going wrong! And I think we should change our reader because obviously Y/n isn't doing anything about it!" Gally says staring at me.

"Gally what are you talking about? Y/n is a good leader and she's been here the longest!" Minho says putting him hand on my shoulder. (for comfort)

"Yeah but shes' a girl. Girl's can't lead!" Gally says laughing with his friends who seemed to agree.

"I could beat your ass any-day, so sit your ass back down we have more important things to figure out!" You say staring Gally down.

"I'd like to see you try!" Gally says walking closer to Y/n. Gally was about to swing at Y/n, when Y/n trows a punch first making Gally fall to the ground. Gally then gets up quickly and punched you back. But you don't fall to the ground as your use to the pain. You then smile at Gally, and Thomas breaks you two up.

"Gally stop, you know Y/n will beat your ass!" Thomas says pushing Gally back. You then wipe your bloody cheek and keep talking.

"Ok, so now that that's out of the way, we need to figure out what were doing. So Minho, you need a new runner. I can be a runner I have in the past!" Everyone starts arguing some saying that your not fit for a runner and some others saying that you'd get hurt.

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