Chapter 2-Ten Years Later

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"Keiran, you're late—again," my boss Erica called out as I rushed through the door.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I had a late night, and I couldn't sleep. I'll be on time tomorrow, I swear," I told her as I wove through the stations and went to mine to set up. I had a scheduled appointment coming in today and according to the time on my phone, was in about fifteen minutes. I rushed to the back and pulled up the design and sent it to the printer before I went back out to sterilize and prep. The piece I was supposed to do today was a portrait of Medusa, serpent heads coiled around her protectively. The client wanted it all black and grey aside from the white I planned to use for highlight.

The piece took me a little over seven hours to complete and my back was aching by the time I finished. It looked great, as usual, and I was proud of myself. They paid and I sent them on their way with aftercare instructions and ointment. Erica gave me my cut and took hers, and I called it a night after I helped clean up the shop. I swept and took the trash out, made sure the autoclave was set and headed for the door.

"Don't be late tomorrow, I need you to cover the walk-ins," Eric called out before she went back to balancing the books. I walked through the door, and tossed a wave over my shoulder as I went. She didn't notice.

My back and shoulders burned as I took the stairs up to my apartment. I kicked the door shut behind me and tossed my phone and keys onto the sofa as I turned back to lock it. Styx rubbed against my legs, anxious for me to dish out the cat food as I always did when I got home. "I'm going," I said as I reached down to scratch behind his ears. His collar jingled behind me as he followed me into the kitchen and hopped onto the counter impatiently. I pulled the bag from the cabinet and filled his little black bowl in the floor. Styx hopped down and rushed to the food bowl. His tail swished back and forth as he squatted before it.

Now it was my turn to eat. After I rummaged through the fridge, I pulled out a container of left over Chinese and tossed it into the microwave and scrolled through my notifications as I waited. I opened a text from my friend Amiah. She wanted to meet up and go out for drinks, but I would rather shower and go to bed. If I stayed out again and showed up late for work, Erica might fire me this time. I liked this shop. It was low key, and I had my own booth. After I finished my apprenticeship, she took one look at my portfolio and hired me on the spot. She could be flexible with me at times, especially if I was booked with appointments, but peak times when there were lots of walk-ins, she was a stickler about not being late.

Me: Sorry can't tonight. Got work tomorrow.

Amiah: Buzzkill.

Me: I'll make it up to you. This weekend? I'm off Saturday we can go to Frenzy.

Amiah: Ugh fine. But you're missing out. Hot guys galore here tonight.

Me: Tempting, but I can't. Erica is on my ass.

Amiah: Suit yourself. Love you bitch.

Me: Love you hoe.

The microwave beeped and I set my phone down to retrieve my food. The white paper container was hot against my fingers and steam seeped from the folded lid as I carried it to the coffee table and plopped on the sofa. There was nothing new to watch so I opted for re-runs of Charmed. After I finished my food, I went to the bathroom for a shower hoping that I could soak up enough hot water to relax the tension in my shoulders. I cranked the faucet and undressed as I waited for the water to heat up to scalding temperatures. The hot stream beat down on my back as I hung my head and let it pour over me, my muscles instantly eased under the warmth.

Hair still damp, I threw on a tee-shirt and climbed into bed. Most nights I had trouble falling asleep, but tonight was an exception, though I didn't know why. I was no more tired than any other day, but I felt as if I were being pulled under into a dream, maybe a nightmare. I was back at Bane's Hollow, standing in the middle of the black water, the chill from it so real and familiar against my skin. My mind was hyper aware, aware of the dream that I was in, but I was no longer a child. It was me as I am now, my tattoos traced starkly against the paleness of my skin as the full moon shone down.

The man, or demon, whatever he was appeared in front of me. Water cascaded down his skin as his orange eyes alight with flames bore into me. "My, my, little one. How you have grown." I remained motionless and silent as I stared at him. The dream was too real, and it was something I had tried to forget. Had it been ten years already? He looked the same as he did when I was thirteen. Long black hair shimmering with water as it fell over his shoulders. His skin still pale and colorless under the silver moonlight. High cheek bones, full lips and sharp-edged jaw. Was it delusional to think he was attractive?

His hand lifted from the water and grasped a lock of my hair, he grinned a maliciously at me as he twirled a strand of my auburn hair between his fingers. "Remember our deal?" he said as he leaned close. The memory of finding my father dead, the police and coroner that came after to take his body. I moved in with my gran after and never went back to Bane's Hollow. I assumed it was all just a figment of my traumatized mind. Being so young and going through everything that I did, surely it hadn't been real, but as I looked at him now, nothing had changed. He was just as I remembered, and my heart raced at the sight of him.

"I remember." My body trembled as the cold water seeped in deep.

"Are you afraid little one?" he asked as he moved around me slowly and dropped the lock of my hair as his fingers lightly grazed over my shoulder. His breath was at my ear as he whispered, "It's almost time."

"Time for what?" I asked as I spun around.

His sharp teeth raked over his lip as he answered, "To collect."

I stepped back, a flood of adrenaline coursed through me under his heavy-lidded gaze. "I don't even know what you want."

He pulled my hand up from the water and turned it over aa he brushed his thumb over the scar that he left. "You."

My alarm was blaring on my nightstand as I reached to turn it off, though I still tired like I hadn't slept at all. I couldn't push the image of him way as I got up to get ready for work. The day went by quick with my mind preoccupied, but I managed to bust out four tattoos before closing. Erica was in a decent mood for once today and didn't have me on cleaning duty. Maybe because I showed up on time—maybe I should be on time more often.

When I returned home, I fell asleep on the couch shortly after sitting down to relax. Maybe I was too tired to even make it to bed, but there was that same pull I had felt the night before, and through the night his voice echoed in my dreams. "A deal is a deal. Almost time."

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