Chapter 19: Ritual-The Devil Wears Prada

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It was hours before we left Lucifer's garden, and by that point I couldn't hold out telling him I was still mad, even if I was. He was very serious when he said he wouldn't stop. We swooped into the balcony, my tattered dress barely covering me and held up only by my hands. Styx was curled up on the bed like he owned the place, and I smiled when I saw him. Lucifer grabbed his shirt from the floor and draped it over my shoulders, so I wasn't completely naked.

"If I wasn't mistaken, I'd say all this sex is very intentional," I said as I looked up at him. He did say he needed an heir, and every time we have been together, not that I thought much of it at first, there was no form of protection and he's not one to pull out either.

He smiled, those sharp teeth glistening as he tilted his head back and rolled his eyes. "Well, you know what my aim is, but I would be lying if I said that was the only reason. I simply can't get enough of you," he said as he grabbed my hips and pulled me against him.

"Oh, no. You've had your fun for the night. If we keep going like this, I won't be able to walk tomorrow."

He swayed his head in internal debate. "That just means you'd have to stay in bed all day, and then I can have my way with you."

We were startled by the sound of someone clearing their throat. As we turned to look, a man rose from where he had been sitting, unbeknownst to either of us, in the chair by the fire. Lucifer went on guard instantly and moved me behind him.

He had long grey hair and beard to match with a spiked golden crown top his head. On his shoulders were barbed golden scales that supported his weathered and holy black cloak. He turned to face us with both hands rested on a black cane with a silver horse head gripped under his bony fingers. The smile on his face was sinister as his white eyes, clouded and devoid of all color stared us down.

A rumbling growl came from Lucifer's chest as he held me behind him. "Conquest."

"Did you expect anything less? You know I always find my mark Lucifer." His smile deepened as he strode around the table, his cane thudding against the floor. "You tried very hard to lie. I was almost convinced. Almost, but you can't silence rumors, and I could smell the human on you."

"What I do is no concern of yours, or theirs for that matter. Now get the fuck out," Lucifer barked. Then tension in the room was thick enough to feel as they stared each other down.

"Isn't it though? A seal was broken Lucifer, do you really think He is going to let that stand?" He sighed and turned his hand out as if he were inspecting the dirt under his nails. "The short answer is He won't," he said as his white eyes flashed back up.

"What seal, what is he talking about?" I asked quietly from behind him. Conquest leaned to the side then straightened.

"Why, you haven't told her anything, have you?" he snickered. "A seal, one of those which keeps Hell bound, was broken the moment he dragged you here and penetrated you with his seed." His face was filled with disgust as I stepped back and let my hands slip from where I had held on to Lucifer. Conquest laughed.

"I have told her the truth Conquest; she is not blind to what is to come."

The corners of Conquest's lips turned down as he said, "Your truth maybe, but this coming apocalypse will be your doing. Which is why we can't let her live a moment longer."

Terror cut through me like a hot knife as I bolted for the door, but before I could reach the handle, an invisible vice gripped my throat and yanked me back off my feet. I was kicking at the air as my hands grasped for nothing. No air reached my lungs to scream, but I could hear Lucifer as he let out a piercing roar. Things were being broken and thrown about the room, but I couldn't see. My vision was going dark and blackening at the edges as my brain starved of oxygen.

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