07. Selene's College Party

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Selene's POV

I am 18 now!! It has been a year since Salv is in prison. I have visited him every weekend. I have kept my promise no matter what. This year I am going to join a college and I didn't tell anyone but I applied for Med and also Law. Being a doctor has always been my dream but after Salv's incident I intend to get him out and for that I need to know how to do that. 

"Selene, hey. You look beautiful. I didn't think you would come to this party." Rico, one of my classmates looked very happy. He has been asking me out. Honestly, I don't have a problem with him, but my mind has been determined on something else.

"I promised someone, that I am going to enjoy everything life gives me." I thought of Salv and a smile made its way on my face. I looked at Rico, to find him staring at me. "Come on, let's meet some people and let me show you real fun." I was dragged in and given some drinks. In my mind 

I always thought of doing all this with Salv. I could imagine him coming to this party with me. Sitting in the corner and giving me looks if I drank too much. I also felt this comfort that he was watching and I am safe. I took the shot and gave a mind toast 'To Salv! The reason I look out to find fun in life.' 

I was quite drunk and dancing around the whole place. I remember Rico holding me tightly so that I don't fall. But I did not feel that comfort. I wanted to be in someone else's arm. I don't know what I felt, but I walked out of the party and Rico was with me. I looked at Rico and asked him, "Will you take me somewhere? I need to be somewhere." Rico nodded and took out the keys from me. He did not drink much and looked decent to take me.

After an hour we reached. I opened the door and just went to the very common route that was like a second home to me. Rico followed me, but I felt uncomfortable with him around. Weird. Here I am in a prison, walking at 7 pm. And the thing I am uncomfortable about is a guy who drove for an hour to take me here. 

I walked straight towards a guard. Many of them knew me. I was a regular after all. But I didn't have the visitable pre-booked today. Will they let me in? I had to see him. I looked at the guard, almost in tears. I really have to see him. Okay, don't be scared. Just walk in. "Hello, I am here to visit Mr. Salvatore ##88." Please let me in. God please. 

"This way Miss. Kindly leave all your belongings here and go through this device." I was so happy hearing to this. I looked back and saw Rico, scared. He knew about Salv. i guess he has never seen a prison. Just like how I was before. "You don't have to come. You can go to that Cafe there and I will be out soon." I pointed out to this small cafe outside. He looked at me and nodded and walked there. I could breathe again. I was thankful he didn't come.

I went to the visitor's room where there were this transparent call with small small opening to give your people something. I was glad that I got to hold Salv here. Otherwise I would have gone crazy. Am I that drunk? I just want Salv to be near me at this very moment. I was waiting for a min when I heard footsteps. 

I saw Salv running towards me in worry. "Is everything fine? Why are you here so late? What is wrong? Selene are you drunk? Selene?" 

I just walked to him "You said to enjoy everything in life. I had my first College party today. I am a bit drunk. But Salv, I wanted you there with me. And because that can't happen so I came here" I giggled and walked towards him. He was looking at me. Like after his panic he finally looked at me. I was wearing  cute little dress and my hair was different than how it is when I visit him. 

"You wore this to the party? Selene. Did something happen? Did you dance with someone?" I found his protectiveness familiar. This is what I needed. I walked closer and held his hand. "Salv, I missed you. I felt like all this is not fun if you are not there." Salv was quiet. I looked at him and then I just wanted to be closer. 

My hands were cold and shivering in front of his warm ones. My body craved to be closer. "Salv. I promise to go back to the other world. But just this once." I pleaded and went closer. Through the hole I pulled him and pecked him at the corner of his lips. I bit slightly. And kept on giving him these feverish kisses. He did not react. He was just staring with his palms in a fist. Did I do something wrong?


To everyone reading this. Things are changing here. Feelings are transitioning. It will be confusing and even more difficult because they have limited time together and a very hazy 15 years to come. What is going to happen?

Thank you so much for all your love!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2024 ⏰

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