06. Meeting In Prison Cell

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Salvatore's POV

I woke up to a sharp noise. And I looked around and saw a bruised Cairo. I immediately felt guilty. But no, he deserved it. 

"Salvatore! You have been called upon in the Chambers. Come with us", the guards took the shackles and walked me out. I was pushed towards a Room and suddenly was in front of a hard-faced man with muscles that can scare the shit out of anyone. 

He signed me to sit down and told the guards to leave. He started inspecting me with his eyes. I truly felt naked at this point. What is going to happen to me? He saw my palms sweating, then gazed through my eyes and cheeks. What is he looking at? After 5 mins of his stare, he finally looked me in the eye and said, "Why?" 

I didn't know what to say. I whispered, "He killed someone. He deserved it." And I knew what he would say. I am also a killer here. Right? 

"Who are you to decide that he deserves it? Angry? That someone decided your fate. And now you are going to do that for others? Are you qualified to make this choice?" 

This shocked me. What? But before I could think more, "And you hit him. If not stopped, you would have killed him. Think about that moment. You could have killed him. Something stopped you. I saw on the recording. You stopped yourself. I don't know what stopped you but hold on to that. That is going to be the anchor of you getting out of this."

I stared and tried to take in everything that he said. I could have killed him. Suddenly all my anger shattered. What am I doing? The tears almost made it out and with a heavy voice I just wanted to say one more time "I didn't kill anyone." 

I looked at the Head Jailer and saw him staring at me. Does he believe me? Does it matter? Yes it does. I don't know my mom even believes me. "There is a visitor for you. And I can see, that she signed up for every weekend for the next 15 years. Lucky that you have someone. So pick up this light and see what is ahead of you. You have 60 mins every week to talk to your visitor. I hope I don't have to see you here again." 

Visitor? Must be mom. She believes me. I walked out feeling a sense of the wrong I did, but slightly happy that I get to talk to mom. I walked over to the visitor room and there she was. 

Swollen and puffed eyes. But looking so innocent sitting there. She looks scared. Did someone do something to her. She is not even an adult. She shouldn't be here. 

"Selene, walk out right now." I spoke up angrily. I have never spoken to her like this. I was happy to see my little star. But this is not good for her. 

The moment she heard me, she cried out trying to reach me through the transparent wall between us. "Salv.. Salv, I love you so much. How are you? Did something happen? You don't look so good." She blabbered like a mess. Oh my Selene. What have I got you into. 

"Selene, you are 17. Go out join a college, party and enjoy your life. Don't come here again. I don't want to see you ever." I shouted out. She calmly looked at me and was waiting for me to calm down. 

"I will go to college, I will party hard and also enjoy my life. But I will never stop coming here and you can't make me. I am old enough now. Let me be at peace for these 60 mins every week. Salv, I promise I won't compromise on anything. Just don't throw me out. Let this be my choice."

Choice.  How can I take away something from my dear one, that was taken away from me. 60 mins. Will it be okay, to let her do this. Is this selfish of me? She is like a baby sister to me. Can I be selfish?

"60 mins."


To everyone reading this. Now the story begins about growth, unconditional love, support, consistent and tedious effort and unbelievable faith.

But how can these brother sister love turn into something else?


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