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PLUVIOPHILE nounOne who loves rain; one who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days

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One who loves rain;
one who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days

My dearest darling Eros!
My joy of life!
My warmth of the sun!
Take my hand and ignite me with life
as for I will become your breath and
your soul.


Do you know that feeling when you swear to yourself that you will be more thankful the next time? When your nose is so clogged, and you can barely breathe – only then you weakly state that you will be so thankful as soon as you are able to breathe...

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Do you know that feeling when you swear to yourself that you will be more thankful the next time? When your nose is so clogged, and you can barely breathe – only then you weakly state that you will be so thankful as soon as you are able to breathe in and out without obstacles. But when the time comes, you quickly forget about the promise you made, and you go on about your day.

Do you know the feeling when you swear to yourself that you will be more thankful the next time, but that time never comes? You are left with the promise, hanging on a thread, reminding you of a time when everything was different, when everything was fine. 

And she didn't believe in omens, in astrology, in miracles. She didn't believe that something up there, somewhere, was weaving her life into a little blanket. That every row was a new beginning or an end. That every stitch was a different moment and if the stitch was too loose – a mistake. Because if that was the case – the little blanket had too many holes to begin with.

Noelle believed she was just a cruel joke. A girl, who can't touch anyone. A girl, who can't be touched. She felt the irony when she first found out that she would always be alone. From her childhood, she innocently wished to have a big family, to be a mother to many children, to bake beautiful cakes for their birthdays, to watch them grow and let them into life. 

To love and to be loved. To feel the gentle caress on your cheek. To curl up against your beloved and breathe in the heart-warming scent which indicates – you are safe. To share warmth and coldness. To be able to say these words – from this day forward until death do us part. 

PLUVIOPHILE, twilightWhere stories live. Discover now