vii - a lingering shadow

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chapter seven,     a lingering shadow

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chapter seven,  a lingering shadow

           THAT DAY, Eros spent about four hours at Noelle's place. He didn't even feel how time just flew away. They were just talking. Talking about everything and about nothing. He had never met a person before where it felt that there was no need to begin a friendship. They were just friends. From the library. It felt like he knew her forever. 

           He learned that she was a marvellous painter. After a lot of asking and even begging, she agreed to show him some paintings and he was immediately struck by lightning. There was something in her paintings that soothed him – they were wonderfully realistic, holding a piece of her in them. All of them were beautiful, but at the same time – painful. So much pain that she tried to give to the canvas. 

           He also understood why she was so obsessed with rain – it soothed her. Her rashes and scars itched and hurt worse when there was direct sunlight on her skin, that's why rain felt like solace. She even told him that it somewhat replicates a human touch for her, and it broke his heart. He realized; she had forgotten how touch feels like. 

           After the long weekend, he never thought he would be this determined to go to school. It wasn't a place that he loved, because he did this too many times. But he always went there to socialize, to expand his views, to try and keep up with changing times. And now, he was even excited to go there. 

           Strolling downstairs, he was met by his whole family, who usually gathered like this in the early mornings after hunting. They hunted in the night when he was usually asleep. 

          "Morning," he chirped, walking straight to the kitchen.

          "Who the fuck are you and what did you do to Eros?" Rosalie noted his unusual chirpiness. Usually, he would look like a bear that woke up from the winter's sleep because of his nightmares, but today he seemed energetic.

          Stopping at the entrance of the kitchen, he turned to his family: "Noelle is coming back to school," he announced. "And I'd like to ask you all to tell me if you will hear anything about someone trying to hurt her."

           The blondie scoffed, crossing her hands over her chest: "So now I have to pretend that I care about another human?"

          "Rosalie," Esme disapproved of her words. 

           "All I am asking is to let me know if anyone will plan to do something to her," he explained again. 

           "Oooh..." Emmett smirked. "Someone's getting protective over her. You actually seem to have a bigger brain than Edward has."

           Edward turned away to look out of the window. "Shut up," he mumbled.

           "He has been going to Bella's ever since the accident while she sleeps," Emmett spilt the truth, watching the way Eros scrunched his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10 ⏰

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