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The scream woke Suria. She knew instantly that it was Pixie. She got out of bed in a rush, desperately concerned. Several thoughts assailed her. Was someone or something in Pixie's room? Was she having a bad dream? Did anyone have bad dreams in this place?

As she rushed out across the living room she heard the front door open. It startled her significantly. She barely managed to avoid a scream herself. She quickly recognised Le, but this didn't stop her heart from beating rapidly. At least not yet.

"You okay?" Le's voice was a whisper.

"Yes!" Suria whispered with urgency, still shaken. "It was Pixie. I have to –" She ran into Pixie's bedroom. Le followed her.

Pixie was sitting up in bed. In the moonlit room, a look of terror clearly showed on her face. Suria moved quickly to the bed, sat down next to Pixie and put her arms around her.

"It's okay Pixie, I'm here. It's okay. It'll be okay" Suria stroked Pixie's blonde hair and as she did so Pixie gratefully nestled against her chest and began crying, giving in to it fully.

Remembering Le was also in the room, Suria motioned for her to sit down next to Pixie as well. The more support the better. Le glanced at Suria and sat down on the other side of Pixie, putting her hand on Pixie's knee.

"Le is here too. We both heard you scream. Are you okay?" Suria felt Pixie lift her head as if to acknowledge Le's presence.

"Oh, thank god, oh it was horrible. Oh, thank god." Her tears were easing as she spoke.

"What happened, sweetie? It's okay, you're safe now. You can tell Le and me." Suria glanced at Le, motioning to her that she should say something.

"Yes, it okay, Pixie. You safe now." Le's voice had a strange, forced tone to it. From Le's expression and forced tone, something was going on with her as well. Now Suria had two problems. Pixie first though.

"Thank you... thank you. Oh... there they are." From Pixie's words, the waves of peace had arrived. That was a relief and would help, but Pixie still needed to talk about what had happened. Suria also needed to find out what was bothering Le.

"So you had a dream?" Pixie nodded against her. "Do you want to talk about it, or... maybe not?"

"No, it's okay... I... can you turn the light on?"

"Oh, yes. Sure sweetie, we can. Le?" Suria pointed to the wall behind Le. There was a toggle button there. "Just press that. Excellent. Thanks."

In the now much brighter bedroom, Suria gave Le a look of compassion and concern, hoping to ease whatever was bothering her. Le was still clearly disturbed by something despite her attempts to keep a neutral expression. Her body language wasn't great, and that's what gave it away. Suria was struggling within herself trying to decide which crisis to manage, the more she looked at Le. She hoped Le had received the waves of peace as well, but there was no outward sign.

"Tell us what happened only if you want to." Suria wasn't finding it hard to express the compassion she felt towards her housemate and friend. She really was genuinely concerned for her. Nothing like this had happened in the nights that she had been here. They had all been peaceful.

Pixie started speaking, slowly. "I... I had a dream the first night. When I was here by myself. That dream the first night wasn't nice, but this was way worse."

"Go on." Suria glanced at Le, who definitely appeared distracted, but was doing her best to hide it. Suria must do something to help Le. She partially released Pixie, who was calmer now, so that she could take Le's hand and squeeze it gently. She could feel Le's instant appreciative response, but it would have to wait. One crisis at a time.

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