Neca and Gimi

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Suria was silent as the two individuals approached. All four of them were. Here were yet more people who were lost and probably without memory. What was going on here? Why was everyone lost and afflicted by amnesia? What happened to cause it all, and when would it stop? Was there anyone around who can help them or were they going to keep seeing lost people without memory?

"I can't deal with this." Pixie was the first to speak.

She looked a bit distressed. Suria glanced an unspoken question at her. I hope you're okay? Are the waves of peace with you or not? She received a response in her mind, in Pixie's voice, that startled her.

Yes, the waves of peace are here. I'm still frustrated though. Or whatever it is I'm feeling.

Pixie appeared to be aware her thoughts had been read, but before she could voice this, Suria spoke instead, pretending she hadn't just read her mind. "What's the matter, sweetie?"

"I can't deal with two more lost people. How many more will we get?"

"They will be our friends too, mina. I know it." Arias' reply was empathetic and timed perfectly. "Tell you what: Rocsi and I will welcome them and show them around. You and Suria can follow along. We know the village now."

Rocsi picked up on Arias' positivity. "Yes! We'll do that. Don't you worry about a thing, Pixie."

"Thank you, both of you. That's lovely." Pixie was visibly relieved. She lowered her gaze slightly and retreated behind Suria, who was glad to offer her protection. The four of them were quiet for a moment, watching the approaching figures coming down the mountainside towards them. Suria turned around and studied Pixie some more. Pixie was staring at the approaching figures, with her anxiety visibly decreasing as she did so.

"Aw, they're lovely. I mean – they look like they'll be really nice! I'm going to enjoy meeting them I think."

Arias' dark brown eyes flashed at her change of attitude. "Yes you will, mina!"

Suria studied the man and the woman as they approached. They were both about the same height, because the woman quite a bit taller than average. She had long, dark hair, flowing in waves well past her shoulders. She was wearing a loose-fitting dress that was fluttering in the light breeze. The dress had long sleeves and reached just past her knees. It was striking in its colour scheme: a mix of reds, oranges and yellows that evoked an earthy pattern. To Suria, she was of Arabic ethnicity, from her appearance.

The man was dressed in black pants and a buttoned short-sleeve shirt with a combination of black and white swirling patterns, along with a royal blue collar. He had a solid build, with longish black hair tied up in a bun at the back. His appearance indicated that he was Polynesian. The man radiated gentleness in the way he walked. At the same time, his and the woman's body language suggested they had no idea where they were. The whole scene was somehow positive and comforting, however, and Suria felt optimistic that they would be just as nice as Rocsi and Arias.

"Hola!" called out Arias as the man and the woman got closer. "Welcome to our village. I am sorry, but we do not live here. We are a bit lost and we are staying here until we can learn where we live."

Suria glanced at Pixie as another unspoken thought passed between them: maybe the direct approach wasn't ideal one, but who knows? Arias' approach may yet turn out to be the right one.

"I know, I sound like I am crazy –" he tapped the side of his head with one finger and continued in a cheerful voice, "– when I welcome you here when we do not know where we are."

The man replied as they bridged the gap and all shook hands. "Hello. We are lost too. Your description of your situation is all too depressingly real to us." In only a few words, his gentle voice conveyed intelligence and kindness, mixed with a strength that easily absorbed what must have been disappointing news to him and his friend. Upon shaking his hand, Suria could feel his gentility and intelligence, so much so that she immediately felt drawn to him in a way she hadn't to anyone else so far. He seemed deep and interesting already. Pixie might be right about them, but she hadn't heard the woman yet.

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