Chp. 20 - ( Ambition )

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A/N : (I'm back!)

Eventually, (Y/N) returned from the hospital, after some scolding and explanation to Hawks, he would eventually be set to leave and go back to UA with Tokoyami.

Tokoyami / (Y/N) both bowed their heads to Hawks at hawk's front door before they left. "Thank you very much!"

Hawks smiled, raising his hand into the air as he waved. "No issue, stay in contact you two, and (Y/N) no more getting into trouble. I don't want to have to scold you again."

(Y/N) replies with his head still down, "Yes sir, it, I'll do my best.

Hawks grinned, "That's great to hear, and the same goes to you Tokoyami. (Y/N)'s not the only one I'm talking to here."

Tokoyami responds to hawks full of ambition, "Yes sir! I won't fall behind! I'll keep up with (Y/N) for as long as I'm in UA."

(Y/N) looks to his side slightly, "Huh?"

Tokoyami looks at (Y/N), "I see you as my rival. You may be ahead of me now but I'll catch up and be even better than someone as strong as you (Y/N)!"

Hawks placed his finger to his chin, "Ooh, some rivalry. Well, I can't wait to see how you two prodigies will progress in the future..."

"(Y/N), Tokoyami, do your best!"


The Scenery changed to UA the very next day...

(Y/N) walked in, seeing Todoroki sitting at his desk accompanied by Midoriya and Iida. Todoroki smiled at (Y/N), so did Midoryia and Iida while they all waved.

(Y/N) reciprocated this waving back and smiling at them too. He walked over to the three, immediately being greeted by Midoryia.

Midoryia : "Hey! (Y/N)! How'd you sleep last night?"

(Y/N) Smiled, "Never slept better. What about you, Midoryia?"

Midoryia scratched the back of his head nervously, "I could've slept better, but it wasn't so bad!"

(Y/N) : "Your rest is important, so make sure you get lots of it." He'd tap midoryia's shoulder with his knuckles.

Todoroki caught (Y/N)'s attention, "(Y/N), we were all gonna sit together at lunch today. Did you want to join us-"

A light pink girl came up behind (Y/N), hopping up and wrapping her arms around his neck. "(Y/N)! I've missed you! I heard about the encounter with the hero killer!"

(Y/N) immediately lost his cool, while his body heated up with a blushed face.

Everyone turned their attention to them.

Sero was getting held on the head by Bakugo along with Kirishima for some reason. "Oh yeah yeah! The hero killer!"

Kirishima spoke up next, "I'm glad you're alive you four!"

Yaoyorozu shook her head, "I was seriously worried, that was dangerous."

Kirishima grinned throwing a thumb up while still being bullied by Bakugo, "But Endeavor came and saved you all, right? Thats the number two hero for you!"

Todoroki had a stern expression, then spoke. "Yeah, that's right. We were saved."

(Y/N) finally managed to leave Ashido's grasp with a blushed face still, but as soon as he did she pounced again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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