Chapter 10 - Cloud City

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The Millennium Falcon glided through the sky, heading towards Cloud City on the gas giant Bespin. Alessa sat next to Han in the cockpit, her gaze fixed on the stunning city floating in the clouds. Despite the beauty of the place, an uneasy feeling settled in her stomach.

Han's voice broke her thoughts. "Almost there. Lando's a friend, but keep your guard up, Alessa. Something feels off."

Chewbacca growled in agreement from the co-pilot seat. He, too, felt the tension in the air.

Alessa nodded, her eyes scanning the horizon. "I trust your instincts, Han. I'll be careful."

As they landed, Lando Calrissian greeted them with his usual charm. "Welcome to Cloud City! You look absolutely beautiful. You truly belong here with us among the clouds."

Leia responded coolly, "Thank you."

Lando smiled warmly at Alessa, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, you're safe here."

Alessa forced a smile, but her unease only grew. She stayed close to Han and Chewbacca, knowing they would protect her no matter what.

Days passed, and the tension remained. Alessa tried to relax, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen. One evening, as they were preparing to dine with Lando, Alessa's instincts screamed at her. She pulled Han aside.

"Han, I don't trust him. Something's not right," she whispered urgently.

Han's expression hardened. "I've been feeling the same way. Stay close to me and Chewie, alright?"

The doors to the dining room opened, and they were met with the menacing figure of Darth Vader. Alessa's heart dropped. Lando's betrayal was clear.

"We would be honored if you would join us," Vader said, his voice cold and commanding.

Han drew his blaster, firing at Vader, but it was useless. Vader easily deflected the shots. Boba Fett, the infamous bounty hunter, stepped forward, his weapon trained on them.

"Take them away," Vader ordered.

As they were led to the carbon-freezing chamber, Alessa felt the weight of the galaxy's darkness pressing down on her. She clung to Han, fear and anger battling within her.

Chewbacca roared in protest as stormtroopers tried to separate him from Han. Han tried to calm him. "Chewie, stop! You have to take care of the princess. Do you hear me? Huh?"

Leia's eyes were filled with desperation. "I love you."

Han's face softened. "I know."

He then turned to Alessa, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and sorrow. "Alessa, listen to me. I need you to be strong. Stick with Chewie and Leia. They'll keep you safe."

Alessa's eyes filled with tears as she clung to her brother. "Han, I'm scared."

Han placed a hand on her cheek, his voice gentle. "I know, kid. But you've got this. You're tougher than you think."

As Han was lowered into the freezing chamber, he looked back at Chewbacca, his expression serious. "Chewie, watch over Alessa. Don't let anything happen to her."

Chewbacca let out a mournful growl, his eyes filled with pain. Han gave a final nod before he was encased in carbonite, his form frozen in place.

Alessa fought back tears, feeling the crushing weight of the betrayal and the loss. Lando approached them, guilt evident in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I had no choice. They arrived just before you did. I'm sorry."

Chewbacca roared and lunged at Lando, his rage uncontrollable. Alessa stepped forward, her voice trembling but firm. "Chewie, stop! We need him."

Chewbacca hesitated, then released Lando, his eyes filled with anguish.

"We have to get out of here," Leia said, her voice breaking.

Alessa nodded, wiping away her tears. "We'll find a way. We have to."

As they made their escape, Alessa felt a surge of determination. Han's sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. They would find Luke, and together, they would fight back against the darkness.

They rushed through the corridors of Cloud City, dodging stormtroopers and bounty hunters. Alessa stayed close to Chewbacca and Leia, her heart pounding with fear and resolve.

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