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NOTE: There is a very good reason as to why this update took over a month.....and as soon as I find it, I will let you know. For now, please accept my humblest apologies and enjoy.


S1 E1

The O.R gallery was packed full with hospital staff members eager to witness George and Preston's appendectomy. Angie grunted softly as someone shouldered into her in their search for a seat. She and Meredith sat next to each other as other interns in the gallery called out bets and wagers on how long George would last in the surgery. Angie debated throwing in 75 dollars for the part every intern choked on; the torn cecum. But then she saw the growing irritation on Meredith's face and remained silent, refusing to subject herself to the blonde's rage.

No one else seemed to get the memo, though.

"10 bucks says he messes up McBurney's Point."

"$15 says he cries."

"I'll put $20 on a total meltdown."

"$50 says he pulls the whole thing off." Meredith finally snapped, silencing everyone in the room. Angie raised a surprised eyebrow while everyone else just looked at Meredith like she'd grown an extra head. At all the looks, Meredith huffed, returning her attention to the O.R below her. "That's one of us down there. The first one of us. Where's your loyalty?"

Everyone in the gallery went silent for a pensive moment before Cristina spoke up, unmoved. "$75 says he can't even ID the appendix."

"I'll take that action," Izzie chimed in, and Meredith and Angie couldn't help but snort at the antics as Preston finally strolled into the O.R, slipping on his surgical gown and gloves. The excited tension in the room only grew as the surgery started. George was given the privilege of making the first cut, eliciting cheers from everyone in the gallery until Preston looked up, silencing them all with a sharp glare and a cutting motion across his throat.

The surgery continued, with Preston quizzing George relentlessly and giving him small tasks that helped build his confidence bit by bit. People began losing the bets they had placed, but no one seemed to mind. Every intern in the gallery seemed to be growing a collective sense of self-confidence, clearly believing that if George could handle a surgery, then it would be no problem for the rest of them. Below them, Preston looked up at the gallery, examining the interns before him.

Angie was the only one who could see the deranged gleam of excitement in his eyes.

Sure enough, the dreaded moment occurred; Preston allowed George to invert the stump into the cecum using the purse strings. Everyone in the gallery watched with bated breath as George took the purse strings in hand, and Angie could only watch with a sympathetic wince as George pulled too harshly, tearing the cecum and allowing blood and waste to spill into the body. Preston and George stood there for a moment, with Preston urging George to leap into action before the patient's BP got too low. He was insistent in his questions, but George just stood there, frozen and mortified as the patient continued to bleed out.

Any joy and arrogance the interns had been feeling died instantly as George was roughly shouldered out of the way and Preston took over once again. In the corner, a man with short brown hair watched, mildly amused, as he casually tossed a nut in his mouth. "He's 007," he said bluntly.

Murmurs of agreement rippled across the room, and Izzie looked around in confusion. "What's '007' mean?" she asked, and Angie sighed sympathetically, sitting back in her chair.

"License to kill."


Angie left the surgery as it began wrapping up, eager to find some other way to fill her time on her first shift. After finishing up a small pile of charts, she had slipped into an elevator, aimlessly tapping away at her phone when Cristina stepped in just before the doors shut, leaving them alone in the small metal box.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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