You're gorgeous pt1

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A/N before we start I wanted to say that this has mentions of eating disorders and if that bothers you then don't read this. Anyways enjoy!

You scrolled through instagram to find yet another post talking about your weight gain. The truth was, things were stressful for you and the only thing you could do to cope was eat. You sighed as you read the many headlines. You decided that the best way to fix it was to stop eating. It had been about 2 weeks that you had been starving yourself and Taylor started to notice.
"You okay, my love?"Taylor asked worriedly.
"Y-yeah" you looked down.
"Baby you look pale" Taylor walked closer to you and sat down next to you on the bed, "what have you eaten today?"
You just kept your head down. Taylor had gone through the same thing so she could tell that something was wrong. "It's not that big of a deal, Tay. People have been saying that I look pregnant so I just stopped eating"
"What?! How long have you been starving yourself?!" Taylor's heart dropped.
"T-two weeks" you managed to get out.
You tried to hold in your tears and pretend it didn't hurt you but it really did. Taylor held you in her arms as you cried. "I'm getting fat!"
"Baby! You are not fat" Taylor played with your hair, "and so what? That doesn't mean that you're not absolutely gorgeous!"
You smiled lightly at her loving words.
"You are so stunning, princess. People have no right to comment on anyone's body whatsoever! I need you to know that you are the most beautiful girl ever. Inside and out" Taylor kissed your forehead making you giggle, "I love you so much, beautiful. Let's go get you something to eat"
You sat down on the kitchen stool as Taylor cooked your favorite food. When it was ready, you hesitated to eat it. "It's okay, baby. Just take it slow" Taylor sat next to you with her hand on your leg. Once you ate a few bites, you and Taylor cuddled on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy.

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