Part 1

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(Story will be in Sabre's Pov unless said otherwise)

"Sabre?" The voice of Light steve snapped me out of my trance as I looked up at him a smile appearing on my face due to instinct. It had been less then a week since the Rainbow festival and I could tell that people weren't to happy that I was here.

 "Yes Light?" I asked in a cheerful Voice as He sighed.

 "Are you alright?" He asked as I paused before nodding.

 "I'm great!" I lied as He smiled in relief. Sometimes I wish he could see through my lies as the Red steves could before I was torn from this World. I missed them. I wonder where they hid?

 "That's good, I was worried." he said as A colorless guard came up to speak with Light.

 "Sir, There's a problem with training..." The guard started as I slowly walked away and towards the gates. I needed to think clearly and without any steves around. As I exited I nodded towards The guards in appreciation.

 As I walked towards The abandoned library I had seen I felt Myself Sigh and remember that If Light and the others found the books that I had hidden there they'd be both mad and confused. I had hidden them for a reason though, If they found them then they'd know that I had known everything from the Beginning, The darkness had held, and still did as I made sure it did from where it was, The demon steves back.

 Shaking my head I walked into the dusty Library and grabbed one of the old letters to Read. It was a book I kept reading as it was a last message to me and to anyone who read it.

Αγαπητέ μου Sabre,

Γράφω αυτές τις λέξεις με βαριά καρδιά, γιατί ο κόσμος έχει γίνει ένα ύπουλο μέρος από την αναχώρησή σας. Εμείς, οι Κόκκινοι Στιβ, έχουμε αναγκαστεί να κρυφτούμε, η ύπαρξή μας απειλείται από αμέτρητους κινδύνους.

Ο αγαπημένος μας καθηγητής Ρεντ, κάποτε γνωστός ως Γκόγκλς, έχει υποκύψει στην ανεξιχνίαστη τρέλα. Φοβόμαστε ότι κάτι άγνωστο βαραίνει το μυαλό του, οδηγώντας τον στο χείλος της απόγνωσης.

Ο Colle, ο γενναίος πολεμιστής μας, έχει εξαφανιστεί μετά τον θρίαμβό του επί του Void, της άθλιας οντότητας που κάποτε ήταν γνωστή ως Seer. Η απουσία του αφήνει ένα κενό στις τάξεις μας.

Ο καθηγητής Ρεντ έχει εμβαθύνει ακούραστα στα βάθη της ιστορίας μας, αναζητώντας ένα μονοπάτι για να σας αποκαταστήσει σε εμάς. Αν και έχω αμφιβολίες για τη σκοπιμότητά του, δεν μπορώ να σβήσω το τρεμόπαιγμα της ελπίδας που καίει μέσα μου.

Όπως προέβλεψες, έχω ανέβει στον μανδύα του Κόκκινου Ηγέτη. Με μαθητευόμενο τον Εξερευνητή, προσπαθώ να καθοδηγήσω τους ανθρώπους μας σε αυτούς τους επικίνδυνους καιρούς. Ωστόσο, τα πνεύματά μας εξασθενούν από την απουσία σου, φίλε μου.

Σε παρακαλώ, Sabre, αν η μοίρα μας χαμογέλασε και επέστρεψες: μην επιδιώκεις να εξαλείψεις το σκοτάδι που τυλίγει τον κόσμο μας. Γιατί συγκρατεί τον κακόβουλο Δαίμονα Στιβς, που διψά για την καταστροφή μας.

Αν όντως μας έχετε κοσμήσει με την παρουσία σας, παρακαλώ βρείτε μας. Ας δούμε για άλλη μια φορά το ακτινοβόλο φως σας και ανάψτε την ελπίδα που έχει μειωθεί στις καρδιές μας.

Ο φίλος και ο αδερφός σου για πάντα,

Red Leader/Calm Red Steve


My dear Sabre,

I write these words with a heavy heart, because the world has become an insidious place since your departure. We, the Red Steves, have been forced into hiding, our existence threatened by countless dangers.

Our beloved Professor Red, once known as Goggles, has succumbed to inscrutable madness. We fear that something unknown weighs on his mind, driving him to the brink of despair.

Colle, our brave warrior, has disappeared after his triumph over Void, the wretched entity once known as Seer. His absence leaves a void in our ranks.

Professor Red has delved tirelessly into the depths of our history, seeking a path to restore you to us. Although I have doubts about its feasibility, I cannot extinguish the flicker of hope that burns within me.

As you predicted, I have ascended the mantle of the Red Leader. With Explorer as my apprentice, I try to guide our people through these dangerous times. However, our spirits are weakened by your absence, my friend.

Please, Sabre, if fate has smiled upon us and you have returned: do not seek to eliminate the darkness that envelops our world. Because it holds back the malevolent Demon Steves, who thirsts for our destruction.

If you have indeed graced us with your presence, please find us. Let us see once again your radiant light and kindle the hope that has diminished within our hearts.

Your friend and brother forever,

Red Leader/Calm Red Steve

It's written in Greek)

 A small genuine smile appeared on my face as I read the Words Of Calm. I missed The man who I sometimes called brother. I was happy that they were all alive, Or so the letter said. I just needed to find them and we all could be a family again.

 "I'll see you again someday old friend..." I found Myself whispering as I Hid the letter with the books and Closed my eyes while leaning against a wall. "We'll be a family again someday..."

(Have a Great Day Everyone!

Also Who likes the idea of Sabre Knowing the Red steves in the past?)

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