Part 5

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I yawned as I sat up and quickly took the letter out from under my pillow, I was surprised that I had gotten any sleep last night. As I changed I noticed a new note that was placed neatly on my desk, Confused I picked it up and read the familiar hand writing.

meet me in the abandoned library,

M? Is that what he want's me to call him now? If so I'll call him that. I hummed as I quickly stuck the letter and note in my pocket before walking towards the marketplace. I needed to buy a few things before I went to talk to him.

 As I walked through the Market I could hear the steves whispering. I quickly made it to where a orange steve sold blankets, I needed more if I was to sleep anymore then a hour or two. Going through them I paused when A yellow steve stopped by.

 "Hi! Your Sabre right?" He asked as I nodded, Who was he and what did he want? Was he on my side or someone else's?

 "Yeah that's me chief." I told him as he grinned.

 "I've heard so much about you! I was wondering if we could hang out sometime? My name's energetic yellow steve by the way!"

 I smiled at him as I shook his hand. "I'd love to hang out sometime Energetic." I told him as he beamed.

 "I'll hold you up to it! See you around!" He exclaimed before running off and I smiled before buying the blankets I had bought and bringing them Home. As I put them On my bed I paused, Would Explorer want to sit down in the library? If so I might want to bring a blanket or two...

 Should I? I don't even know if he'll recognize me...  you know what? I will, There won't be any harm in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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