Part 3

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"Sabre?" Light's calm and quiet voice woke me up as I groaned and Sat up. I hadn't been getting the best of sleep because the steves kept throwing rocks at my windows, I was glad that they were strong now.

 "I'm coming!" I said in a much more happy and awake voice then I actually felt. I quickly got out of bed and Changed into A White shirt and Brown pants, It was to hot to wear my jacket unfortunately. Thankfully I had A long sleeve shirt though so people wouldn't see my scars.

 Walking downstairs I noted that it felt like it would rain soon, I had always had a connection to nature. As I opened the door I smiled at Light who looked exhausted.

 "What's up Light?" I asked as He sighed.

 "I wanted to make sure you were alright, We got some concerned messages from some steves who heard a commotion at your house last night." Light said obviously worried. I smiled at him as I responded.

 "Everything's Fine!" I lied as He smiled in relief.

 "That's good, I was worried there. Do you want to come with me on patrol?" he asked as I shook my head. I hated anything to do with fighting, It didn't help that everyone wanted me to as I seemed to be a natural with it. Guess over 500 years does that to someone.

 "Nah. I was thinking I'd walk around in the Forest for a bit." I told him as He nodded, already used to me doing so.

 "Alright, I'll see you around." He said before Leaving as I smiled and Walked towards the gates with the letter from yesterday in my pocket. I was going to hide it in the library so that no one would find it.

 As I entered the Library I saw a bird nearby as I smiled. "Hello Αηδόν! (Nightengale)

 'Hello Sabre!' The bird responded as they flew down onto my shoulder. 'How have you been?'

 "I've been doing well! The steves aren't as aggressive as I thought they'd be after everything that Happened." I informed the bird as I quickly hid the letter. "What about you?"

 'I've been well, A strange man stopped by earlier though, He wore a cloak and hid his Face. He said something about this being a good place for a meeting area.' Αηδόνι told me as I nodded and felt a smile come onto my face. I was sure I knew who it was. He was never good at not talking to wildlife after I told him that they all responded in they're own way.

 "How did you respond to him?" I asked as they  flew to a bookshelf as I took out some seeds.

 'He was kind so I was kind back.'


 Αηδόνι ate the seeds as I smiled, Soon I'd see him again and hopefully I could find a way to show him it was me without showing my eyes. I may be fine with him, Goggles and Calm seeing them but it's been far to long. I hope he's doing well though.

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