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[ xii . two years and one month ]

 two years and one month ]

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THE WARD was thick with the scent of antiseptic, Rogue's presence tainting it with a metallic odour that became confined to Ada's quarters. Her clothes were soaked in dried blood, the sticky substance clinging to the fabric in dark splatters.

Rogue tugged at her tank, the white so saturated that it peeled away from her skin in a stubborn crawl. Ada turned instinctively to face the wall and Rogue gave a knowing smirk. 'Nothing you haven't seen before,' she teased, lifting the shirt over her head with a one-arm reach.

'Stuff it,' Ada retorted, though she too was unable to suppress her smile. She turned halfway back, reaching out a hand for the tank. Rogue passed it. 'You know, you don't look half bad all soaked in blood,' Ada said, spreading the shirt between her two hands.
'Really? That's what does it for ya?' Rogue feigned surprise; her mouth hung mockingly open. 'Didn't peg you for a sadist, Ada.'

Ada's patience wore thin. She huffed a laugh. 'Go away,' she said. 'You're annoying me.'
'Does Florence know? I'm not sure you should be allowed near the Ward anymore.'
'Bugger off.'

Ada's protest died on her lips. Pressing her cold, bare skin against her, Rogue sunk into the contact, her breath hitching in her throat. It was quick, but the taste of Ada's mouth on hers sent an electric thrill through Rogue's body.

She stepped away. 'Put a shirt on, stick. I need to get back,' Ada said, shoving Rogue back gently. A blush creeped up her cheeks. 'Charlotte hammered a nail through her finger, and I've not done klank about it.'
'Sure, sure,' Rogue replied, slipping to a long-sleeved grey shirt. 'Just say it how it is. You're choosing another girl over me.'

Ada shook her head. With a playful sigh, she planted her hands firmly on Rogue's shoulders and began to push. 'Get gone.'
Rogue resisted, laughing. 'No, please let me stay. I'll be good.'

But Ada had increased the force behind her efforts, edging Rogue closer and closer to the door. Rogue surrendered. As they reached it, Ada quickly twisted the handle open, and Rogue stepped willingly into the hallway beyond. She displayed a slight pout, though a smile fought for its place. 'Bye then,' she said.
'I'll see you later, okay?' Ada replied, waving her out and closing the door behind her.

Rogue's expression betrayed her glee. She stood outside the room, thinking of nothing but how ecstatic she was in that very moment. Then she turned.

'What'cha doing?' It was Wally. Rogue jumped back in shock, an unpleasant howl escaping her lips.
'Dude! Not cool.'

Wally leaned against the wall at the top of the stairs, coated top to bottom in dirt and grime. She eyed Rogue expectantly. 'And mind your business, finchface,' Rogue said, trying to regain her composure. 'What are you doing?'

Rogue | Group B → The Maze Runner¹Where stories live. Discover now