Forty Four

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I blink a few times when Indigo holds up the sleeveless denim jacket. "And you want me to...?"

"Put it over your hoodie," she confirms.

"Do I get to look in the mirror?"

Her lips flatten into a straight line. "I already told you. Not until it's done."

Tonight, we're stopping by a Halloween party being thrown by Indigo's friend Layla. I don't know much about her except for the fact that my friend Malachi gets extremely awkward any time she's around. Also I know that she's rich, because when Indigo was talking about the party, she said it was at one of Layla's houses. There's multiple.

Other than that, yeah, I have no clue about the girl. I'm only going because Indigo wants me to.

"Fine," I sigh, holding a hand out. She gives me the denim jacket with a happy smile and I slide it on over my white hoodie. "What's next?"

She hands me a pair of jeans, turning around as I get changed into them.


When she hears my voice, she gets on her knees beside her bed, feeling around under there. And then she stands with a shoe box that has the Jordan logo on it.

My eyes widen. "Indigo..."

"These are for the costume. So I don't want you saying a single word if it's not thank you or these shoes are totally lit, dude! Got it?"


"Ah." She holds a hand up. "Got it?"

I let out a sigh, then nod with reluctance. When she passes me the shoe box, I look back at her one more time, feeling a little guilty for not buying her anything. "You really—"

"Clancy," she scolds. "Just open the box."

"Right, right." When I pop open the box, my eyes widen again.

What I'm not expecting to find is a pair of dark green Jordan 1's.

"Indigo, what the—"

"What did I say?"

My eyes shoot up to her frustrated look. "These cost like two hundred dollars!"

"What did I say?"

I let out another sigh as I look down at the shoes again. She shouldn't have bought me these.

Yet, a little part of me still feels excited. A pair of Jordan's. All yours.

When I look up at her, I'm smiling. "You are the best girlfriend to ever grace this planet."

She lets out a soft laugh. "Try them on, I wanna see how they fit on you."

I take a seat on the edge of her bed and she sits beside me. When I do take the shoes out of the box, I look over them a little bit, sort of in shock about the fact that she got me Jordan's.

I slide them on, tie the laces, then look at her for her approval. She's smiling harder than I am.

"Walk around in them," she says.

I get off the bed, walking in a straight line towards her door before spinning around and walking back to her.

She looks me up and down as her tongue swipes over her bottom lip. "So you like them?" she asks, meeting my eyes.

"I love them," I say.

"It's okay if not. You don't have to wear them after tonight if you don't like them."

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