Jackson x Exer

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    Exer and Jackson are such similar guys, they've even been compared to each other multiple times throughout the comic because of similarly they act. There's also the whole thing with Exer's dad, Harry, where Harry literally calls Jackson "son," says that Jackson reminds him of his own son, and Harry replaces Jackson's mom in a dream he has.. so there is a lot of sibling-coded moments between Exer and Jackson.

    Not that I don't think enemies to lovers is a nice trope, but I think Jackson is so permanently damaged by how Exer treated him in the beginning that they could never be a healthy couple.

    A lot of people thought that they were originally going to be the endgame couple because both of them were on the cover of the comic but quickly figured out that wasn't the case. 💀
     I considered this after I saw someone in the comments say that on the first episode but I never felt any romantic tension or coding between them so I didn't buy it.

-What do you think?

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