Jackson x David

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    For this book so far I've stuck with ships I'd seen other people mention liking and decided to rate those, but for these two I only know of one person who likes this ship.. me.
    I actually don't know why. I just thought they would make a cute couple. David took a liking to Jackson immediately upon seeing him, and while I know David is just uber friendly and also makes quick friends with Ron, I still thought it was sweet. David also trusted Jackson to date Brenda when he's never trusted another guy to date his sister EVER so he clearly had a really positive impression of Jackson even after not knowing him for too long. 
    On Jackson's side it seems like despite everything that happened Jackson still really cares about David. It took him a while to accept that he had to hang out with that whole old friend group, but still Jackson shows a lot of concern for David's mental health throughout the third season- in the beginning he wrote in his diary about helping David feel better- and I just found it really sweet.
    David also showed interest in Jackson's ability to speak Spanish too. Why learn Spanish to seduce a beautiful Latina when Jackson is right there with his "Spanish mode, the dimples and those charming eyes..." -David episode 10 to Jackson

    I prefer both of their canon love interests much more than them together, but I really do wish they'd interact as friends more.

-What do you think?

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