Ricky x Marty

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    These guys confuse me.
While they are very queer-coded I don't exactly understand their relationship?
It's obvious (to me) that Marty has a crush on Ricky, he says lots of off-hand things that imply his feelings, but I don't know where Ricky stands. Does he like Marty back? Do they like each other? Do they bully David because of internalized homophobia? Are they just too stupid to realize they like men? So many questions.

The reason this ship doesn't have a higher rating is because both of them are pricks who I am praying on the downfall of. If they get a redemption then the rating will probably go up.
    The reason this ship's rating is as high as it is is because I do think they suit each other well, their dynamic is funny (not how nasty they are, just the humor aspect), and I believe dating would make them better people since they'd have to work through a lot of internal issues to get there.

-What do you think?

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