Jackson x Jolie

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    I could live with this.
    I think I'm mostly fine with the idea of this pairing because when they both met for the first time I was confused and thought they could be possible love interests. It was very obvious very fast that Pamala was still in the running, but when I thought Jolie was the new one I didn't mind it.
    I think they're very cute together, it would be the same girlboss x malewife dynamic as Pamela and Jackson except I'd say Jolie is a bit more tough than Pam.
    Jolie is like a voice of reason for Jackson, she's always making sure things are straight and make sense. When Jackson is upset she's empathetic and talks him down until he's more calm. Overall I think Jolie is a very important kind of person to have in Jackson's life and they could get along well as a romantic couple.

-What do you think?

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