Ken x Brenda

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                                     1/10     I just can't bring myself to like them

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    I just can't bring myself to like them.
    I didn't like them when they first met at that Halloween party and I do not like them now.

    For the record, I do think they are both very sweet and do deserve each other, but I don't like them as a couple at all. They could be a very powerful platonic duo- I absolutely adore them as being close friends- but it's clear that won't be happening.
    I'd say I like this pairing about as much as I like Ken x Jackson. If I had to pick one of those pairs to be canon I guess I'd choose this one? Only because the way their interactions have been written they are clearly love interests and it would be the confusing, and frankly a little annoying, if they didn't end up together. One of my main issues is I think I really managed to convince myself that Jolie and Brenda had a chance, and now with Kenda it's painfully obvious there isn't one.

    It also shocks me how popular these two are just as it shocked me to see how much some people loved Ken x Jackson.

-What do you think?

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