A Marriage of shadow

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The day began with Palki planning to meet Shaurya at a café to mend their strained relationship. As she walked towards the café, her phone rang incessantly. It was Preeta, Shaurya's mother, in distress. "Palki, please come over quickly! There's been an accident at home, and I need your help!"

Palki, concerned for Preeta's safety, rushed towards Shaurya's house instead. As she crossed the road near Shaurya's neighborhood, a speeding car nearly hit her. Preeta, witnessing the danger, rushed out to push Palki away, saving her life but getting hit herself in the process.

Shaurya received a frantic call from Palki about the accident. He raced to the hospital, his heart pounding with fear and anger. When he arrived, he found Palki sitting in the waiting area, tears streaming down her face. "Palki, what happened? Is my mother going to be okay?" he demanded, his voice trembling with emotion.

Palki, devastated and guilt-ridden, explained what had transpired. "Preeta saved me, Shaurya. She pushed me out of the way of the car... I'm so sorry."

Shaurya's grief turned into seething anger. He struggled to comprehend the situation, his mind clouded with pain and resentment towards Palki. "You were with my mother? How did this happen, Palki? Why were you there?"

Palki, overwhelmed by guilt and sorrow, could only offer apologies. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen, Shaurya. Please believe me."

As days passed and Preeta remained in critical condition, Shaurya's anger towards Palki grew. He blamed her for the accident and the pain his family was going through. Consumed by a desire for revenge, Shaurya devised a cruel plan.

He proposed marriage to Palki, not out of love but out of a desire to make her suffer as he was suffering. He wanted to punish her for what he perceived as her role in his mother's accident.

One evening, Shaurya approached Palki with a calculated demeanor. "Palki, let's get married," he stated coldly, his eyes filled with anger and resentment.

Palki, taken aback and still reeling from the recent events, hesitated. "Shaurya, are you sure about this? I don't understand..."

Shaurya's facade cracked slightly, revealing the pain and fury beneath. "I'm sure, Palki. We need to do this. For my mother."

Despite her doubts and confusion, Palki agreed, hoping that their marriage could somehow bring peace and understanding amidst the turmoil.

Their wedding was solemn and joyless, overshadowed by Preeta's critical condition. Once married, Shaurya's treatment of Palki turned from cold to cruel. He made her life a living hell, constantly reminding her of the accident and blaming her for Preeta's suffering.

Palki endured the torment silently, her heart breaking with each passing day. The only solace she found was in Shaurya's five-year-old daughter, Roohi. Roohi became Palki's source of joy, her innocent presence bringing light to the darkness of their strained relationship.

The news of Shaurya and Palki's marriage brought unexpected joy to Roohi. She adored Palki and was thrilled at the prospect of having her around all the time. "Miss, you're my new mumma now!"

Roohi exclaimed, hugging Palki tightly, her eyes shining with pure delight.Palki managed a smile, her heart warmed by Roohi's affection. Despite the circumstances, Roohi's happiness was a beacon of light in her dark world.

The small, solemn ceremony was overshadowed by Preeta's critical condition and Shaurya's unspoken vendetta. As the newlyweds entered their room that night, the atmosphere was tense.

Shaurya turned to Palki with cold eyes. "You'll sleep on the floor," he said curtly, pointing to a thin mattress he'd placed there.

Palki's heart sank, but she nodded silently, knowing that arguing would only make things worse. She spread out the mattress on the cold, hard floor and lay down, her thoughts swirling with sadness and resignation.

Early the next morning, Roohi bounded into the room with her usual energy. Seeing Palki on the floor, she frowned in confusion. "Miss, why are you sleeping on the floor?"

Shaurya, who had been getting ready for work, stiffened at Roohi's question. He turned to his daughter, forcing a smile. "Roohi, Miss is... just helping out."

Roohi's innocent eyes widened with understanding. "Papa, can Miss sleep in the bed? She looks so tired."

Shaurya's jaw tightened, but he couldn't bring himself to snap at Roohi. "We'll see, Roohi. Now, go get ready for school."

Roohi skipped out of the room, satisfied for the moment. Palki watched her go, a small, hopeful smile tugging at her lips.

The following days were a test of endurance for Palki. She adhered to Shaurya's harsh rules, doing all the household chores and taking care of Roohi, all while dealing with the discomfort of sleeping on the floor.

One night, as Palki was preparing dinner, Roohi entered the kitchen with a determined look. "Miss, I want to help you."

Palki smiled warmly at her. "Thank you, Roohi. You're very kind."

Roohi handed Palki a drawing she had made. "This is for you. It's our family."

Palki looked at the drawing, tears welling up in her eyes. She saw herself, Shaurya, Roohi, and even Preeta, all smiling and holding hands. "It's beautiful, Roohi. Thank you."

Later that night, after Roohi had gone to bed, Shaurya found Palki quietly cleaning the living room. He stood in the doorway, his expression unreadable.

"Palki," he began, his voice softer than usual. "Roohi cares about you a lot."

Palki looked up, surprised by the gentler tone. "I care about her too, Shaurya. Very much."

Shaurya sighed, his anger momentarily ebbing away. "Just... make sure she stays happy.

"Palki nodded, her heart aching with unspoken words. "I will, Shaurya."

That night, as Palki lay on the floor, she heard Roohi's soft footsteps. The little girl crawled under the blanket with her, wrapping her small arms around Palki. "Good night, Miss," Roohi whispered, her voice filled with love.

Palki hugged Roohi tightly, tears slipping down her cheeks. "Good night, Roohi."

As Palki lay there, she felt a glimmer of hope. Despite the hardships, Roohi's love was a powerful force that could one day bridge the gap between her and Shaurya. She vowed to stay strong, for Roohi's sake and for the possibility of a brighter future.

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