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Everyone drooled over him. He was quiet, mysterious, and extremely handsome. You watched as the room went silent when he walked into the library. Everyone started whispering but you rolled your eyes and continued with your work.

"Did you hear Sunghoon is going to confess to someone today?" Amelia sits in front of you and leans in really close so you can hear her whispering to you.

"Why should I care?" You asked flipping the pages of your $300 college textbook.

"Aren't you curious who it is? Like what if it's you?" You shook your head and sent a very nasty glare in her direction. She puts her hands up in defeat and sits back in her chair.

"There is no possible way it going to be me. It's probably going to be Haru or Gem. The rich girls that wear expensive brands and are so vain and conceited it's crippling." Amelia nods agreeing with your words.

"That's true! They fit each other's aesthetics and lifestyles." You look at your watch on your left wrist and start packing up to head to your next class.

"Well, I have to get to my last class of the day. I'll see you later." You walked out of the library, past Sunghoon sitting on the bench surrounded by people and down the stairs. You were halfway down the stairs when someone called your name.

"Hey (y/n)!" you stop and turn to look at who is calling you. All you saw was Sunghoon walking down the steps with his hands in his pockets and everyone in the area watching closely.

"Yes?" You reply confused at why everything just went quiet and everyone was watching you.

"Are you headed to class?" He asks once he's right in front of you. He leans against the railing of the staircase waiting for your reply.

"I am do you need my notes or something?" He shook his head and moved his head to the side signaling to walk with him.

At the bottom of the stairs were Gem and Haru watching closely at the interaction between you and Sunghoon.

"Sunghoon Oppa" Haru squeals annoyingly in a high-pitched tone before jumping into Sunghoon's arms.

"What do you want?" He calmly lets out. His body language showed he was annoyed and trying to contain his emotions.

"I'll see you later" You turn your back to him and walk away as Harus's annoying voice fills the hallway.

"Finally class is over!" Jake smiles while stretching and packing up everything on his desk.

"Jake I don't get this. Why is physics so hard!" Jake laughs and walks over to your seat.

"Because you are mediocre in Math. Let me help you." He showed you the steps leaning over you to help you understand the problem better.

"Oh that makes sense I was adding wrong here and dividing wrong here. Thank you Jake that was very helpful!" You facepalm and fix your answer on your notes. You smile up at him when your attention is brought back to reality as someone clears their throat in front of you.

"Hey, Sunghoon will I see you at practice later?" Sunghoon nods and Jake throws his bag over his shoulder patting Sunghoon back as he leaves the room.

"Oh hey did you need something? I know Haru kinda made you lose focus but if you need my notes for-" Sunghoon cut you off by placing both his hands on the desk in front of you and leaning into you so close his nose almost touched yours. Your heart raced and your stomach turned as his eyes lightened and his facial features softened.

"I don't need your notes. I also can't tell if you ignore me on purpose to seem cool or if you actually don't care about me but that doesn't matter. I like you... I have since middle school when I saw you crying due to that jerk that broke your heart and started dating Gem. So can we start getting to know each other so I can make you mine." You lean as far back as possible against the back of your chair blinking quickly trying to process his words. The person that has never said more than 5-10 words around you just told you he liked you and with a bunch of other words.

"I... you... did... did you just confess to me?" He stands straight up shoving his hands back in his pockets. He looks at the closed door nervously and then back at you.

"Yes, and it's okay if you want to reject me." You shook your head and stood up now standing in front of him.

"I'm just a bit shocked... I didn't think I was visible to you. I try to live as invisible as possible but I thought you didn't even know I was alive. So it's a very big shock to me. I would love to start getting to know you more though." You see him smile for the first time causing you to smile.

"I'm not gonna lie I was nervous you would reject me but I'm glad you didn't." He wraps his arms around your shoulders hugging you as you wrap your arms around his torso hugging him back.

"Is that why you never talked to me because I make you nervous?" He nods walking around you and the desk to grab your things.

"Yes you made me very nervous in a good way." Sunghoon slides his hand into yours and walks out of the room with you. He seemed more at ease and relaxed. The stoic tough boy persona left behind and this love-struck puppy with twinkling lights in his eyes now smiled at you as he guided you through the hallway.

Passing Gem and Haru fuming with rage at the sight of you and Sunghoon makes you stifle a laugh. Jake and Amelia held thumbs up at you as Jake's arm wrapped around Amelia's waist pulling her closer.

"Are you sure I'm the one you want?" You whisper to Sunghoon causing him to halt in the middle of the hallway and turn to look at you.

He takes his free hand out of his pocket and gently rests his hand on your cheek leaning down to kiss your forehead.

"110% certain you address the one that I want for as long as you'll let me." You smile and nod letting all the insecurities fade away at his validation. 

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