My One & Only

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-Final Part-

The following weekend (Y/N) planned to spend the day at my house just hanging out. I told her she could invite Cam if she wanted to but she refused the offer and came alone.

The doorbell rang indicating (Y/N) had arrived. I walked over to the door and let her in. She greeted me and wrapped her arms around my torso. I pulled her closer and hugged her back burying my face in her shoulder and resting my hands carefully on her upper back. She smelled so good. I couldn't tell if it was her shampoo or her perfume or just her natural scent but I was hooked.

"Welcome to my house." I giggle nervously as she pulls away from me. She looked around and took my hand lacing our fingers together.

"It's a beautiful house." Her eyes beam as she looks up at me. One of my favorite things about her so far is her really light chocolate-brown eyes. They looked almost see-through but with a soft chocolate brown color.

"Should I show you around?" I asked cautiously. She looked around a bit more as I guided her through the house. We reached the dining room and she stopped looking outside the window.

"Wow, that is a pretty view." She gasped in astonishment. My eyes stayed glued to her as she released my hand and walked over to the back door.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice." I walked up behind her leaving a good amount of space between us.

"Does the Sunrise and Sunset look pretty from here?" I stared down at her small figure compared to mine as she looked up at me with huge doe eyes that could make even the strongest person melt.

"Beautiful" I whisper. I watched her smile drop into a serious expression as she turned and leaned up against the glass looking very small in front of me.

"Where is your family?" She broke the silence and the gaze between me and her by looking around.

"My dad travels for work and I am pretty sure my mom is at her book club event she had today." (Y/N) nods inhaling deeply.

"So... What do you want to do?" She asks walking over to the couch and sitting on it.

"Um... I have a few games or we can watch a movie... The only issue is my room is the only room with a TV. I can bring it out if you want." She giggles at my panicked state.

"We can go watch the movie in your room it's no big deal. I trust you." I rub the back of my neck nervously not knowing how to react.

I show her to my room and open the door letting her in. She walks around looking at the picture on my dresser and my collection of very expensive watches. She runs her hands over the silky duvet while looking around the room.

"What movie do you want to watch?" She looks through the DVDs in the basket next to her and places a movie in the DVD player.

The house was quiet, we sat in my dark room against my bed on the floor watching the third movie of the night. Our shoulders touched with this calm ambiance blanketed over us. I could not tell anyone what was going on in the movie, I could tell you my heart was racing way too fast and my breathing was getting deeper.

She shuffles next to me bringing her knees up to her chest and her arms around her legs. I shuffle closer subtly. Her head falls on my shoulder and I tense every muscle in my body. The light from the screen creates shadows on her face.

"Jay this is my favorite part. The way they both realize they are in love but won't say anything. He looks at her with so much love and she feels the same... Yet she doesn't realize it due to her own internal battles. Love is beautiful but fragile." I look at her taking in every detail of her face, memorizing every feature I could in this small amount of time. My heart racing crazy fast with each breath of mine.

"Does she end up realizing?" I look away clearing my throat.

"At the end of the movie she confesses but she thinks it's too late. See the main character is terminally ill. She doesn't think she deserves to love anyone since she knows she will eventually die." I blinked a few times as I watched a tear fall down her cheek. The reflection of the TV made the Clear teardrop on her cheek bright blue.

"But everyone deserves to be loved no matter the outcome." I slide her hand in mine lacing our fingers together and rubbing the top of her hand with my thumb. She squeezes my hand a few times and I squeeze back.

"When we were swimming I know you saw my scar but didn't say anything." I nod swallowing hard. I clench onto my shirt with my other hand tensing every muscle of my body again.

"I knew you would tell me when you were ready." Another tear fell and silence took over. I tried everything possible not to reach over and dry her tears but my body had a mind of its own.

I move in front of her cupping her face in my hands and gently swiping my thumb over her cheek collecting the salty liquid of sadness. I stare into her eyes leaning forward until my lips touch her forehead.

"I'm in remission... Have been for a few years. I got cancer during my freshman year of high school. They caught it in the early stages but the only way to be sure it was gone was to go through surgery. I get yearly check-ups and I have been clear so far but that doesn't mean it can't come back." A tear fell down my cheek as I brought my hand up and caught it before it got too far down my face. I pulled her into my body again and kissed the top of her head.

"No matter what you are not losing me. So don't even think about getting rid of me." She chuckles wrapping her arms around me and gripping onto my shirt tightly.

"Is this your confession?" She asks playfully but hope laced between each empty space.

"I thought it was obvious from the beginning that I liked you... but yes... this is my confession! I think you are beautiful and have one of the best personalities I have ever encountered. You make me so nervous and I have never been nervous around anyone before. I think it's far beyond the word like but we can explore that more later... if you let me." I take her hand in mine and bring it up to my lip placing a kiss on the top of it. Her cheeks turn bright pink and she tries to hide a smile but fails and lunges forward wrapping her arms around me and hiding her face in my neck.

"So should I tell Cam first or Theo first that I got a boyfriend." She mumbles on my neck causing the cuteness aggression to overpower me and hug her tightly and throw us both into a fit of giggles.

"You can scream it from the rooftop if you want" I whisper, resting our foreheads together. I lean in a bit more and rub the tip of my nose against hers. She takes my face between both her hands and leans in pressing her lips against mine. I pull her body closer to mine, kissing her back a little deeper. Her hands fell to my shoulders and snaked their way into my hair. My hands stayed respectfully put on the middle of her back.

Pulling away at the sound of her phone ringing I check the time on my watch. Standing up and helping her stand, I turn the lights on and take her hand.

"I don't want to go home yet." She whined cutely eliciting a chuckle from me.

"I know but I have to stay on your family's good side." She smiles following me through the house, out the door, and into the car.

Theo drives up to her house and parks at the bottom of the driveway. I get out first and assist (Y/N) out walking her up to the door.

"Can I see you again tomorrow?" She asks before we get to the door. I ponder the thought a little just to annoy her but I could never say no to her.

"Of course you can. Do you want me to come pick you up early or around noon?" She leans in and kisses me, completely dismissing my question and catching me off guard.

"11:30 am would be perfect" She whispers between kisses. She pulls away and opens her front door, turning to look at me.

"Good night Beautiful" I smile at her watching her close the door. 


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