Perfect lips

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His nose was buried in a binder full of papers that were handed to him a few hours ago when he had gotten to work. He was reading through the script memorizing his lines so that in about 3-4 weeks he could film and move on.

You sat about 5 feet away staring at him. Not even trying to hide the fact that you were either. His perfect eyebrows creased and pressed together in concentration creating the perfect almost nonexistent V in the middle of his forehead. He would occasionally take his bottom lip between his teeth and then slowly drag his teeth over his bottom lip releasing his lip from the hold and then darting his tongue out to quickly wet his lips.

He had pretty lips. You had envied them. They were perfectly shaped and a good size, even the color the natural color was pretty. You imagined touching them because they looked so soft. Your eyes narrowed in on his lips but your gaze got ripped away when the door opened.

"Sorry wrong room" a random person apologized closing the door.

You look around realizing it was just you and Sunghoon in the room. So you stand up and go sit next to him resting your arm on the back of the couch he sat on and then resting your head on your arm and continuing to stare at his lips.

"Take a picture it will last longer" he mumbles flipping the page but never once lifting his eyes to you.

"Ugh let me touch them once please." Sunghoon shuts the binder and turns to look at you. His eyes trail your figure from your head down to your knees and all the way back up.

"What do you want to touch? What are you talking about?" His eyebrows rise and he mirrors the way you are sitting but facing you.

You stare at him a bit longer in comfortable silence. He watches you carefully with a smug smirk on his face. He was fully aware he was handsome so this wasn't anything new for him.

"Your lips! Are they as soft as they look?" Sunghoon smirks and swipes his thumb across his lips smugly.

"Oh um... I don't know you tell me." You start to bring your hand up when he takes your face between his thumb and four other fingers bringing you closer and crashing his lips into yours catching you by surprise. Your eyes widened and you stopped breathing. Your body tensed as the shock took over your nervous system. He pulled away quickly when he realized your entire boy froze and you malfunctioned.

"Sunghoon!" You gasped breathlessly trying to contain yourself but you knew you were redder than a tomato at that point.

"Is that not what you meant?" You shook your head and his face dropped fear and disappointment now overtaking his facial features at first slowly turning into disappointment.

"I just... I mean... I didn't mind it. I was just shocked. I didn't think you would kiss me." Sunghoon turns away from you now red as well from the embarrassment that finally reached his ears.

"I thought you were flirting sorry." He mumbled under his breath. He was about to stand up and leave when you wrapped your hand around his wrist stopping him and pulled him back down to the couch next to you.

Wrapping your arms around his torso, linking your hands together, and resting your chin on his shoulder you smile letting the moment finally register in your brain and sink into your soul.

"I wasn't flirting but..." you unlink your hands and gently turn his face to look at you. You press your lips against his kissing him in a sweet lingering peck. He cautiously kissed back as the kiss slowly transformed from a lingering peck into a full passionately deep kiss where your tongues got to meet for the first time and his body turned towards you so his arms could pull you closer to him.

"Your lips are very soft so you don't have to envy mine." He states pecking your lips and then leaving a kiss on your forehead.

"Your lips are very soft as well and honestly... they feel so much better than I ever imagined." He smiled not able to hold the chuckle he really wanted to let out regardless. Pulling you in for another kiss and pulling you even closer than before. 


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