~Ch 3~

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Sorry I'm advance this chapter is kinda everywhere but I wanted to get it out and I needed to up date it and actually write something. Soooo umm here ya go :3

Honestly I didn't even know if I would find him there or not, but I was just guessing from his insignia clawed out so he's a loner.

I had drove around for almost an hour and it was pitch black outside, so I just transformed and disused to go on foot into the woods. My headlights were on though so I could still see, but the dang part of the forest I was in was so dense I could barley walk threw it and kept getting hit in the helm by branches.

It proved me right to, because my pedes slipped out from under me sending me tumbling down into a body of water. Thankfully I was stoped by something and didn't fall into the water, but when I looked to see what it was thinking it was a tree it ended up being a bot.

I ended up letting out a surprised yelp and slipped again making us both fall into the water. Good thing it was just the bot I was looking for, bad thing is when I went to get off him I was right on top of him pretty much straddling him.

I jumped off him so quickly I don't think I've ever moved that fast. "My apologies Obsidian I didn't realize it was you" I said holding out my servo to help him up, he didn't seem to understand why I had acted the why I did. THANK THE ALLSPARK.

"Your fine" He said giving me a small nod as he made his way out of the water. "Soooo.... What are you doing out here?" I asked trying to change the subject. He looked back for a second before climbing up the hill I'm pretty sure I had just fell down. "Why do you care?"

I just shrugged the realized he wasn't facing me so he didn't even know. "Oh umm, being nice I guess. AND HEY I DO TO CARE" He just grumbled something under his breath as he continued to walk threw the trees, I just followed not knowing what else to do I mean I did come out here to try and find him.

"We're are we going?" He stoped and turned to look at me. He looked at me his red optics seemed to be glaring into my spark. "We?" I shrugged again.

"Well you saved me from falling into the water, so though I would just hang with you" That makes no sense what so ever. I thought mentally facepalming, but to my surprise he just let out a grumble and kept walking pretty much telling me to go with.

So I did just that as we started to make our way out of the more dense part of the woods and to a part we're there were only a few trees but lots of rocks. "Is this we're you stay?" He just nodded again in response.

"Ooooo cool" I said as I looked around, there was a small part of the cave were some energon was stored and another that went deeper and I couldn't see into. I don't think Obsidian liked me being here though he seemed really tense sense we got here.

"Hey Obsidian if you don't want me here I can leave you know, you have seemed really tense sense we got here" Hd gave a small shake of his helm as he grabbed onto my wrist pulling me closer and slowly walked to the part of the cave I couldn't see in.

But not before a large ground of vehicons landed in a circle around us. Obsidians servo quickly turned to blasters as he back face mine, and I followed turning mine into my blasters as well. I could feel we both tensed up as we heard an ugly sinister laugh and see another bot land in front of us.

And of corse to our luck it happened to be the bot who now ran the Decepticons now that Megatron had joined the Autobots. Starscream.

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