~Ch 7~

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Obsidian made it out of the thicker brush, seeing Megatron and Optimus waiting for them. When Megatron saw Volt in his back he was practically fuming. Obsidian said nothing as he moved past them and back in the detraction of there base.

Volt talking softly in his sleep as he would wrap his arms around his neck tighter than loser again.
Obsidians small smile never left, for some reason he enjoyed Volt little talking spurts in his sleep.

As soon as the base came into view he dropped his smile, putting his normal stoic look back on as he walked in. Only for Megatron to grab his shoulder plates, waiting for Optimus to walk past into the base before he said anything.

"Obsidian I swear by the Allspark if you so as touch or talk to my sparkling again I'll personally put your helm on a spike and display it for everyone to see" Obsidian huffed with a roll of his optics.

"Well that's not gonna happen, if we're all in the same base I'm gonna end up talking to him. You have no choice in what he or I do" Obsidian growled out, glaring at the former Con leader before he turned and made his way to Volts room so he could sleep more comfortably.

He said nothing as he walked past the others, seeing them giving him slightly confused glances but said nothing as they would most likely find out about it later.

Obsidian opened Volts door, and closed it before he walked over to his berth and gently set him down on it before turning to leave. Volt somehow being help awake now grabbed his servo, stoping him. "How long have you been awake?" Volt shrugged, his optics still half closed.

"You can stay here, I know you don't have your own room yet" Obsidian hesitated, yes that was true but he also didn't want Megatron to walk in and find the pair of them in the same room, he'd be dead within 5 minutes.

Volt just rolled his optics as he sat up and pulled Obsidian into his berth, surprising him. "A-are you sure I can stay in here, I mean I could just rest on the floor" he suggested, his whole frame tensed as he sat up and glanced at Volt.

Volt again rolled his optics and shifted to the other side of the berth giving Obsidian more room sense he was a decent mouth bigger then him. "It's fine, it's just till you get your own room anyway"

Obsidian sifted as he glanced around not knowing what to think. ". . . . Ok" H quietly said before laying down as well, trying to give Volt his own space and not trying to be right on top of him.

And to say the least he was confused again, he didn't know how he felt about Volt, it's only been 4 days now sense they met each other and somehow Obsidians already fallen for this young bot.

He growled to himself softly as his helm started to hurt with how much he was thinking, shifting to his other side to face Volts back struts he continued to think making small notices or shifting again here and there.

Which he must have woken Volt up, again, cause he moved to face him, his optics showing just how tired he was. "You know your a really noisy sleeper"

"Oh... m-my apologies, just lost in thought" Volt huffed, looking up at Obsidian, still looking to be half in recharge. Obsidians frame tensed up again as he watched Volt shift then moved over to him, clinging onto his frame practically cuddling him.

"Mmm you're so warm" Volt said softly as he nuzzled his helm into Obsidians chassisc and somehow already falling back asleep.

Obsidian just layed there, not knowing what to think and what if Megatron walked in and saw them like this? How would that go down, well most likely his head on a spike. He growled again torn at his feelings, he wanted to leave but also stay.

But in the end, he gently wrapped his arms around Volts smaller frame, pulling him a little closer as he rested his helm ontop of Volts as he also fell into a light recharge.

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