"So your the fragging creation Lord Megatron left us all for? How pathetic" Starscream said as he circled around me and Obsidian, just watching us. Obsidian gave me a slightly confused look but shook it off as Starscream kept circling around us.
We're both tense and watching everyone's moves, ready if they tried something. I glanced over my shoulder at him and he glanced at me then quickly giving a small nod.
To which we both quickly jumped on the nearest con, shooting them down one by one. And we had the upper hand too, there were only a few cons left.
It was only when I stoped and turned around seeing Starscream close behind me and a missile ready to shoot. I froze.
He shot. But it seemed Obsidian noticed because he ran towards me and tackled me to the ground right before it hit me. "T-thank you" He nodded and was about to help me up when he shouted loudly and fell knocked out next to me.
Only when I looked I saw to Knockout, he was holding some sort of staf that most likely had nocked Obsidian out. I was about to shoot him but he ended up doing the same thing he did to Obsidian to me and it all went dark.
3rd person:
Obsidian was the first to wake up, he glanced around only to see Volt still knocked out next to him. He just sat there looking at the mech. He looked like Megatron, if Megatron had taken more of a square and smaller looking build with hints of red. To say the least he was confused.
He only realized he was staring. When Volt shifted and started to wake up, his red and blue optics landing right on Obsidian. "Where... where are we?"
Obsidian growled softly and stood up punching the bars hard slightly denting them, but not noticing. "We're do you think! We're on Megatrons dragging war ship" He shouted annoyed as he paced the cell.
He never thought he would step foot back on his ship, after what had happened. "Why are you yelling at me!? I wasn't the reason we got caught!" Volt shouted back as he stood up meeting Obsidian face to face.
Obsidian just growled and went to the opposite side of the cell annoyed, he couldn't understand how he tolerated this mech for so long. Volt rolled his optics and looked around the cell, seeing if he could find away out.
But it was cut sort again by yet again Starscream walking in, being met with hard glares from Volt and Obsidian. "Look sparkling, Megatron will be on his way so before that happens I need to know. We're is the autobot base?" He snapped out.
Obsidian's glare quickly turning to fear when he heard the name of the war lord, his whole frame tensing up. It was cut short by Starscream grabbing onto Volts face and dragging him closer to the bars of the cell when he didn't answer.
Obsidian's servo turned to his blade as he quickly cut Starscreams servo off, making him shrink in pain. "WHAT IN THE ALLSPARK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He shirked before grabbing his servo and running away, probably to Knockout.
"Fragger" Obsidian growled out as he glanced to Volt, seeing him shaken. He pulled him into a hug trying to calm him down slightly, yes Obsidian didn't like to be touched AT ALL, but he also didn't want to deal with Volt right now.
"Look sparky, I may have found a way to get out of this cell" Obsidian said as he let go and pointed to the dent in the bars from him punching them earlier. Volt glanced at him then to the bent bars.
"Wow, you really have some anger issues" Obsidian's optic just twitched. Really the first thing you have to say... He thought as he sighed and shifted his servos before punching the same spot, the brass knuckles helping dent the bars.
Volt just watched in Awe, honstly he didn't understand why but he was falling for this mech. He jumped out of his thoughts when the sounds of the bars being broke and landing on the ground.
"Let's go" Obsidian said gruffly as he squeezed his frame through and walked towards the doors.Volt quickly hurrying behind him. Obsidian was looking around every corner and small noise making sure they were okay, and surprisingly he knew his way around the ship pretty well.
"How do you know exactly where to go?" Volt asked confused. Obsidian tensed slightly, but kept walking. "I was a con a long time ago" Is all he said before quickly rounding a corner and almost leaving Volt behind.
It seemed like they had been walking for ever until they came to a halt. Volt running into Obsidians back. "Hey why'd you stop?" He grumbled out annoyed. He didn't get an answer all he heard was the sound of Obsidians servo changing to his blade and blaster and pointing them in front of himself."Stay back" Obsidian growled out, putting his servo that was now a blade protectively in front of Volt. Volt peaked around to see why Obsidian was so scared, only to see his sire and carrier. He glanced back at Obsidian, only to see fear in his optics as he glared at Megatron.
What in the all spark is going on here??

The son of Optimus prime {TFP- book 2}
عشوائيThis is the second book to The son of Optimus prime, and the story pretty much just keeps going on threw there life and at this point Volt is around 8 in human years but that would be in his teens for bot years. (Idk if that's really true but for th...